Chapter 64: Time for a Celebration

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The humans were returned to New York and the Kraang were teleported back to Dimension X. The turtles plopped onto a New York roof after being teleported back in mid air. They looked in the streets to see the people cheering.

"We did it. Somehow we did it!" Leo replied, amazed.

"We're the best! Go, Ninja! Go, Ninja, go!" Mikey cheered.

And one of the best parts was that April and her dad were reunited once again, which warmed everyone's hearts. And Kurtzman was even back on his feet; the worst was his arm in a sling.

"Finally everything is gonna go back to normal. Well, as normal as this city can get," Donnie pointed out.

"Yeah, but what about the Mighty Mutanimals?" Raph asked.

"What about us?" LeatherHead said.

The turtles turned around to see all four members of the Mighty Mutanimals right behind them.

"LeatherHead! My big green buddy!" Mikey exclaimed, hugging him.

"We made it, my friend," LeatherHead replied, returning it.

"Looks like our plan worked, Doctor," Donnie smiled.

"Yes, and teleporting the Kraang back to Dimension X was a stroke of genius," Rockwell complemented.

"Wait, before we do anything else, there's one more member you need to thank," Slash announced.

The turtles looked at each other confused while the Mutanimals just smirked. Slash stepped out of the way to reveal Jamie with her arm bandaged up and in a sling. Their eyes widened in shock.

"Jamie?!" all the turtles exclaimed.

"Hi guys," Jamie waved shyly then winced.

Raph immediately ran up to her and hugged her neck. Then he looked her over for anything else.

"What happened and where were you? I told you to go back to Antonio's," he asked, about to get angry.

"Got blasted in the arm and wouldn't heal all the way. And Raph, come on. You know me too well to think I'm gonna miss a fight. I know you wanted me safe, but I wanted y'all to come home safe. And this was how I knew to make sure," Jamie responded.

Raph was about to argue back until Rockwell cut in.

"Raphael, if I may concur. If it wasn't for Jamie, we would've remained captured by the Kraang. She even saved my life, due to the injury on her arm. I owe her my life. If she didn't help, you four and the rest of New York would've remained trapped in Dimension X," Rockwell explained.

"She even told us herself that she's like you, brother. Do you think you would've done the same thing?" Slash added.

Raph looked at everyone and they all nodded in agreement. Raph looked back at Jamie and gave her the smile she's always loved.

"You guys are right. You're a lot tougher than I thought you'd be. Plus, I can't stay mad at you," Raph smirked.

"I try and I know," Jamie smirked back, playfully flipping her hair, which made everyone lightly chuckle, then added, "I love you."

"I love you too," he responded.

They started making out, even with an audience, until Mikey yelled, "Aww, get a room, you two! Seriously!"

They just laughed and joined Leo and Slash.

"You gotta admit, Leo. We couldn't have done this without Slash and his team," Raph pointed out.

"You did great, Slash. I'm sorry I doubted you. Everyone deserves a second chance," Leo apologized, holding his hand out.

Slash accepted it and answered, "I just tried to model myself after the best leader I ever knew. You."

"Turtles. Mutanimals. It's time to celebrate!" Leo announced.

"Booyakasha!" everyone cheered.


A/N YAY! Thanks guys for being patient with me. But there's one more chapter and then the epilogue will take it from there.

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