Hold my beer

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"Zak you actually brought goats blood, nasty," I laughed it off. Of course he would have a bag of goats blood after all his father is a butcher. Kate, who was being supported up by her boyfriend, was laughing hard "you have to do it Mars this is why were here!"

"Kate you light weight, you can't even hold a camera right now," I protested as she she tried to take a Snapchat of the bag of blood. Zak let out a bellowing laugh nearly knocking over one of our smaller friends Ryan. Ryan pushed Zak who was still laughing an nearly fell over. Mac, Kate's boyfriend, caught him just in time. While I might add still balancing Kate.

"Watch it Ryan", Zak yelled, "you all most made me dropped the blood!"

"Damn it Ryan," I mocked. My mouth was going dry. I stumbled over to the cooler to get a cool one. The ice was cold but my hands were to numb to feel it. I had to dig so I got my blue coat sleeves a little wet. Shaking the water off the can then bring it up to my lips. But before I could taste the sweet bitterness someone stole it away.

" you have to open it smart one," Zak explained. I went to reach for it but he held it higher. My 5'7 reach was nothing compared to his 6'5. But I really wanted that beer. Instead he handed me the bag. You know the one full of blood, goats blood to be exact. I scrunched my nose in disgust as the dark red liquid.

"Come on you know what you have to do and then you can have it back," he smirked. I knew he was right this is why we where here. I can not believe I am about to ruin one of my only coats for a stupid bet. Then again I couldn't let my pride take a hit by being called a chicken. I rolled my eyes and walked to the only tree in the middle of the clearing. I shivers just looking at it. Nothing Grew in this small little area expect this tree. And grew it has! Taller and the branches fuller. With its amazing size one would think that the leaves would be amazing as well but for something reason leaves do not grow. Never what season it is I have never seen anything other than empty branches. Standing under it made me feel small. Taking a breath to steady me I carefully opening the bag when the smell hit me and I almost lost my dinner.

"Sorry its a little old", he apologize. Mac lifted the camera at me and gave me the thumbs up. Kate giggled and turned on her phones camera for what I assume was another Snapchat. I looked around the group this is why we came. To make a fool of our self's (mainly me) and it was too late you go back. Inhaling a deep breath I poured the crimson goo on my head and mumbled the words. The same words spoken by hundreds of teens over the years but nothing ever happen to them so I didn't think any thing of the dare that Claire gave.

Once the bag was empty I dropped it on the ground. Finishing the mumbles with the word "forever". I stood patiently waiting mainly for this to be over with. But nothing not even the wind would blow. My friends stood away looking at every thing.

Waiting. Watching.

I could feel the hairs on my arms rise. A warm breath on my neck made my neck snap around. So fast I had to sit down. Suddenly my head was spinning. I leaned by back against the tree. Looking up at the full moon I could see the wind picking up. A loud growl came from a crossed the field.

Kate screamed but I couldn't hear it or the yelling from any one else, my eyes met a set of glowing orbs in the woods. Almost like it waited me to go to it. But my legs wouldn't move. After what seem like hours the demon took step out of the darkness in to the light of the moon and fire.

My vision grew blurry, but I could make out it was taller than Mac and the way it move suggested that it was on all four. Kate pulled my collar but I wasn't moving. I could hear the engine staring in the gator. Which didn't bother the beast who was now right in front of me. Some teeth poking out of its mouth. Warm air came from its crocked snout. The demon reached out one of its claws slowly to me.

"Hey you ugly thing over here," Ryan yelled from where I didn't know, I was lost. A beer bottle collided with the back of the demon. A growl rose up from its chest. The beast whipped its body around so fast the claw that almost touched, me did, it ripped my jacket and some skin. I yelled in pain my hand putting pressure on the gash. The demon now a half field away from me froze and turned back to me. I could have sworn I saw pain flash through its eyes. Whatever trance I was under was well gone. Zak picked me up like I was nothing more than a sack of potatoes. I let out a yell in pain, blood running though my fingers.

He jumped in the back of the gater. Which took off as soon as he landed. The demon now unfrozen let out its own yell and started full force running after us. The sound left a lump in my throat. I almost felt it's pain.

"Fuck fuck fuck did you seen that thing!" Kate cried. Her eyes full of worry looked to Mac, who was driving like a bat out of hell. He swerved trying not to hit every tree in our way. The path was old but wide enough for us. "Can't this thing go any faster," Kate demanded. The beast catching up to is fast.

"Were almost out to the clearing," Mac spoke trying to keep it together.

"Then what! We can't make it to town the thing is right behind us", Ryan cried.

"The cemetery", I let out. My chest was now on fire and breathing was hard. Zak gave me a squeeze afraid if he let go he would loss me.

"She is right, its holy ground", Zak said cheerfully. The group was silent beside a few sobs. Only the motor and the demon close behind us could be heard.

Thank you for reading!!!

Mars is bleeding out and the demon is right on there tail!

Will they live to see another day?
     What were the words spoken?
        What does the demon want with Mars
            And will Mars get her beer?

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