Past Demons

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Pov: Mars

"Demon," I spoke with venom. I have had enough demons tonight. First the smaller spiky ones, then seeing Sin as a demon was eye opening. She almost forgot he was a demon! He had horns and claws! A shivered went down my back. Now another one was just a few feet away.

"Demon?" It asked with a chuckle, "and here I thought we could be friends."

"Friends?" Why would we be friends?" I asked. Questions raced through my mind.

"Well you are going to be my neighbor in hell." The demon spoke with a smile. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might burst from my chest.

"W-why would I be in hell?" I spoke as a mere whisper. The demon took step after step till he was just a breath away. He leaned into my ear and whispered, "Why because you gave your soul to a demon and demons belong in hell."

My soul.

Of course I would go to hell...

What did I think? That I could stay in my house and pretend that I didn't give my soul to a demon.

"I need a drink,"

I pushed the demon out of the way. Making my way to the kitchen was easy even without light on. I heard yelling from the bathroom. Sin must have realized that I didn't have a medical kit. Reaching the kitchen I fall to her knees reaching into a cabinet. Pushing bottles out of the way looking for the strongest one. Grabbing a clear bottle, throwing away the cap and starts downing the bottle. The liquor burns her throat but it's not enough. Foot steps echo the dark kitchen but that doesn't stop Mars.

"Mars I couldn't find the-?" Sin stopped once he saw the sight in front of him. He ran to me grabbing the bottle from my hands. Although I had taken more than I should have.

"Noooooo!" I cried while reaching for the bottle. He had no idea how much I needed it!

"Why are you drinking this poison?!" He yelled. My eyes went wide with fear, he hasn't raised his voice to me. Quickly Sin wrapped her in a hug, "I am so sorry for yelling."

"Get off of me!" I yelled trying to push him off her. He's a demon! How could I forget! I am getting real tired of this. Sin tighten his grip on me. I kicked and screamed like a child but to no avail.

"I will not let go til you tell me why are drinking," Sin said softly. The other demon turned on the kitchen light shaking his head. I squinted my eye not use it being so bright.

"Geez Sin do you think she's drinking because she got attacked by your little play things or because she bleeding death." The demon explained with sarcasm. I nodded, he had a good point. For a demon he was very well dressed. How do demons dress? I shook my head, there where to many demons.

"There are to many demons," I whispered no longer fighting Sin but leaning into him as the liquor hit me . The world started to spin and I relaxed into it. The well dressed demon walked over to us and grabbed the bottle from Sin. Looking over the bottle he took a swig. He better not drink it all.

"Damn that's strong," He coughed, " She just drank this like it was water!"

"She's an alcoholic."

"I am *hic* not!" I protested. Sin just rolled his eyes.

"Then why do you have a flask?" He asked calmly but I see the anger building up under his mask. Crap! He had a good point. Wait, where is my flask?"

"If your wondering where it is don't worry I hid it," he said so proudly. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"That was my grandfathers flask so I would like it back!" I stated proudly that I didn't stutter. Looking back to Sin I could tell he wouldn't give it back. An idea flashed through my mind. I looked up at him with big doughy eyes. Batting my eye lashes, I pulled him closer and whispered "please."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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