Please leave

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I stared hard and long at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. Blood smeared on my face, arms and legs. Why was it always blood. My face was stained red and looked defeated. My eyes had dark bags underneath. I was tried but I would fight till the end. My bathroom was small, so small I could touch every wall by standing in the middle. Ugly yellow walls with even uglier tile floor. Also no windows. I never thought it was bad after all this is where we went if there was a tornado. A safe place, now feeling more like my prison. A knock was lighted can from the door.

Not to day Satan.

"I am busy," I replied with a calm tone. My hands shook. Walking over to the shower and flipped turn the nob. Hot water poured out of the shower head, splashing on the floor on the tub. Mars took another look at herself. Tears rolled down her face as she made a startling realization.

These were not the clothes she was in last night. There was no blood from the goat or from her self caked on. Not even a drip. Instead they where soft clean pajamas. Someone had cleaned her up.

Disgusted she ripped the pajama off her. Throwing them on the ground. Her anger clouding her mind. She went to kick the clothes with such force. But luck was not on her side. Mars then managed to become unbalanced falling face first in to the tub. Ripping the shower curtain down along with shampoo bottles. Laying the tub covered in shampoo from bottles bursting. She didn't bother to get up. Instead lying there wrapped up in the shower curtain like a baby wrapped in his favorite blanket. Listening to the water land on the curtain. Like rain on the roof of a car. It calmed her and put her in a trance. Taking her away from the nightmare that had become her life.

She knew her life wasn't perfect especially after her mother died. Tears slowly ran down her face thinking about everything.

In such a trance she didn't hear the knocking growing loader with each hit to the door. Nor did she hear her name called by a concern voice. What she did hear was the door being busted down. Just leave me alone she thought. The shower curtain being pulled off of her was what snapped her back in to the real world. Only she didn't know what that was any more.

Mars sat up pulling her knees to her chest. After all she was naked with a demon. Water rolled down her back. The water once clear was red after it rolled off her. At least she is getting the blood off her.

"Are you ok, why didn't you answer me," he said in a hurt tone. Why was he acting all hurt. Was he the one who had their whole world flipped up side down. No! Or found out some had took clothes off and washed their body then put clothes back on! No!

"Please Mars let me help you," he pleaded. I turned my head slowly to look at him. His face was easy to read. Worry, fear and love maybe?

"Did you put me in to those clothes" it was the only thing I wanted to say. He sat down by the tub. I hugged my body close.

"Yes," he said with out a hint of emotion. I turned more to him. He took a long sigh," last night you wore covered in dirt and blood head to toe. I wanted to make you fell comfortable. I am sorry if you feel in descent now."

I looked away. What to say? I could say fuck you. I could also say thank you. I was to tired to even argue with myself. What he had done was wrong but he did it for the right reasons. I knew he was telling the truth and I could sense it. Relaxing a little bit, I turned towards him again.

"Why did you do it," I asked.

"Bathed you?" He answered with another question. I nodes.

"Well you smelled," he joked but then got serous," to make you fell better."

"How could taking off my clothes! Then wash my unconscious body," I yelled turning my body fulling towards him. My hair falling across my chest. Giving me some cover.

" I get your angry but I am not some creep. After all do you not remember what you swore to me," the words coming off his tongue felt like a hit to my heart. Tears threaten to run down her checks. Mars looked down at the floor of the tub. Not wanting to see his eyes. The words she spoke to summon the demon came back to her. Her checks turning a deep red.

"I took you home so that you may wake in familiar setting. Once I got you to this house, you were so cold. I tried to warm you but nothing worked," his voice trailed off as if he was thinking, " a hot bath was the only logical next step. You did have clothes on when I put you in there...."

"Did they melt off or something," I mumbled sarcastically.

"No you woke up in the tub, still drunk by the way, yelling words that made no sense. After a few min of trying to clam you down, you throw off your clothes. When I asked what you were doing you yelled taking a bath."

I cursed drunk me, "then what?"

"You made me stay with right here, saying how you don't trust me. That you thought I would hurt your cat or something. I couldn't really understand you."

"So you sat there? Creeping much!"

"Its a good thing I did! You past out in this very tub. One minute your yelling about fish next snuffed out like a candle."

"Then let me guess you decided to dress me like a doll," I accused. Not looking at him but instead setting back up the bottles.

"No wrapped you in towel and put you to bed"

"Funny I woke up in clothes"

"Well when you woke up at 3 in the morning puking, you throw some clothes on and sleep the rest of the night and this morning away"

" Wait time is it!" I asked in a panic, I still had work!

"Why you got some where better to be?" He asked almost laughed. I rolled my eyes, "some of us have to work."

A grim expression came upon his face. His eyes locked on me like the eyes of a wolf on a rabbit.

"Do you think your going to work," he asked carful how he put his words. The words throw me for a loop. Of course I was going work. I had bills to pay. I had save up for college!

"Yes I am going to work," I said with out fear. For a moment I expected him to get angry or laugh and say no.

He stood up and walked out. Stopping at the doorway. He turned his head slightly, " then I am going too."

Closing the door behind him leaving me once again alone. I sat in the tub trying to comprehend everything. It was all so much.

She ran her hand chest a scar now forming. Lost once again in thought. One thought came to piped her in mind though

She was never going to drink ever again!


Hello and thank you for reading!! Definitely my longest chapter yet! Over a 1,000 words!  If only I put this much effort in my school work!

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