Two demons

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                                 Pov: Sin

Mars drifted off to sleep after mumbling about school. I brushed her hair softly as she slept. Taking in every detail like the small scar by her left eye and a few on her knuckles. Slowly I ran my fingers over them. No matter how far humans have come there is still a need for the most primitive things, like fighting. Oh my sweet flower how you have blossomed into such a fighter. Like a little wild flower. I wonder if it had to do anything with that bottle of vodka in the kitchen. No less she still had my heart. I smiled. How in less than 24 hours has she got me wrapped around her little finger. Only two more days till I could take her to hell with me. I smiled or I could take her now while she was still sleeping...

I shock my head I couldn't do that to her.
       Not yet...

Then there was that promise I made to her friends. They were going to be a problem but for now they were taken care of. I ran my hand through my hair how was I going to last two more days in this prison. A growl came from my throat. She stirred, I froze. Damn this bond! She didn't even know it fully. For now I would just have to put up with it before anything happens.

A knock at the door grabbed my attention. Getting up carefully not to wake Mars I walked to the door. I could feel the power behind the door and knew who it was. I ran my hand throw my hair, I thought I had more time. I looked back to the small girl laying helpless on the couch. Helpless she was not but against the things in my world she was. I would have to protect her.

"Come out my demons," I spoke out loud to the shadows knowing they were close by.  The clicking of their claws on the wood floors told me they had come. With their heads bowed to me they stepped out of the shadows. The largest, being no bigger than a house cat, stepped forward.


"Umbra," I replied, " there is something I must tend to please see to it that Miss Mars is not harmed."

Umbra gave a swift nod before hiding in the darkness. I knew he would keep an eye on her. I squared my shoulders and put my a blank empress on my face. Stepping out the door as he tried to come in. I gave him a push to make my way out of the small door frame. He almost looked normal in his suit and tie, if it wasn't for his horns protruding from his head. He was always so proud of them.

"Sin." He spoke causally with a hint of anger.

"Oakley," I reply much more monotone as I had became accustomed too. He looked me up and down squinting his eyes. After what seemed like hours he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Tell me why you sound like Sin and have his face but you look like a damn farmer?!" He hissed, taking a cigarette from his pocket. Somethings didn't change over the years I was gone.

"Are the boots too much or does the hat give it away?" I smirked leaning against the frame of the old house. I might as well get comfortable as Oakley could talk your ear off.

"Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor bud?" Oakley laughed, once of those off kinda laughs. Maybe things had change since I had been gone...

"Oakley why are you here?" I asked even though I knew the answer. Me...


Me. Alway me.

"I was sent here to collect you! You have been gone for centuries! After you didn't come home straight away he sent me to get you. You been stuck in that grave since 1690 something! You would think a demon would be running back to hell!" He yelled but I could tell he wasn't done. Does he not think I know how long I have been stuck there? Does he not think I wish to be home? I pushed my self off the door frame. I must have let my anger shown on my face as fear flashed through his eyes.

"Lower your voice," I spoke coldly. Too much was at stake. Mainly that sleeping girl only a few feet away. I stared into his soul as I toward above him. A ghost of a smile appeared on his face.

"There you are" he spoke with amusement. I didn't even need to look to know that my claws had come out to play. My horns felt light but I knew they where there. I was close to shifting. I would have too if that little wild flower of mine wasn't so close. I took a deep breath to calm down. I couldn't let her see me like that, not after what I did to her last time. She still had a scare. Thoughts and emotions filled my mind. A hand patted my shoulder, looking up I could see Oakley studying me.

"What happened? Something changed you?" He spoke softly as if I would break if he spoke to loud. I shock my head not ready to met his eye. Demons don't show this kind of emotion not to each other.

"Not something, someone," I sighed. Knowing what came next, how our world worked. Love wasn't something you could have in hell.

He gave a lopsided grin as my words hit him, "Sin you dog! You have a woman!"

He laughed but continued, " Is that why you haven't come home?"

His words shocked me! Never have I expected this. Yelling and anger I could handle but enjoyment? He continued to laugh evening leaning on me for support. He laughed until he cried. I have him a shove off me, he stumbled before leaning against a post.

"Haha Oakley you had a laugh now tell me what the hell do you mean? You know the laws against this! Demons can't have humans! Plus love isn't welcome in hell!" I hissed full of angry, how dare he mock my torment! His eyes lit up with fear before a realization hit him.

"He didn't tell you?" His mouth feel open, dropping his cigarette. I stomped on the lit cigarette the last thing I needed was another damn fire. I knew who the he was and the power he held. What I didn't know is why he would change? The laws were like his babies!

"Oh wow, um well, well how to tell you," Oakley stuttered rubbing his had on his neck, his whole deemer changed. I didn't not have time for this and was losing my patience.

"Spit it out before I cut it out of you," I warned him letting my claws out. He raise his hands and took a step back.

"Lets just say after you left Hell well for lack of a better word went to Hell?" He explained. I feel silent. Once he saw I wasn't going to speak he continued with a sigh, " he thought you fell in love with that witch and that's why you didn't come home"

I let out a viscous roar, " IS THAT THE REASON NO ONE CAME TO SAVE ME FROM HER?!"

I was furious! All I saw was red as my horns came out. My claws came next as I swung for Oakley's head. He ducked as my claws dug into the post of the porch.


A scream pierced the air cutting my rant short. My blood ran cold as ice. Everything forgot as I knew that scream.


Hell has come to collect

Thanks for reading!!

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