Its To Early For This

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POV: Mars




I rolled over reaching for my phone trying to turn it off. Why did I sent an alarm this early? It has to be to early. I tried to open my eyes but the light was way to bright! My head felt like a jack hammer was going off inside of it. Must have been a wild night last night. Deciding that it was better off to feel for it. It wasn't where I normally put so I tried to ignore it. I pulled my pillow over my head as if that would work.



Can't it let me sleep. I threw a pillow to where to noise was. Not wanting to wake up and deal with this headache.


What was that! My eyes flashed open. Slowly I turned my head and saw what appeared to be a man. Dark messy hair, wrinkled white shirt, jeans and dark brown eyes that were starring at me. I have never seen eyes like that, they seemed to glow! My common sense kicked. Who is that?! I opened my mouth to ask when he rose from the chair. Oh no he's coming this way. I dove under my covers. No no no. Don't come near me!

"I thought you would never wake up," the man said with a hint of relief. Wait I know this voice but where? I poked my head it out to get another look. While I will say he was good looking, I would have remembered that face.

"You had a long night and I wanted you rest but I also need to talk you," the man said smoothly. Why is he talking to me. I sat up throwing my covers off.

"Why are you in my room!"I yelled. He flinched, " are you always this loud?"

"Just in the mornings before I had my coffee," I smiled reaching for my knife by my bed while keeping my eye on him. A girl could never be to careful, "now tell me why your here."

He was close practically lying on my bed next to me. He smiled raising his hand to what I assume was to touch my face but never got the chance. My hand wrapped around the knife. In a second I leaped towards him. Knocking him on the ground. Blade against his throat.

"Now I am going to ask you one more time what are you doing here?


Mars is not playing around anymore!

What type of girl sleeps with knives next to her bed?

A smart one that's who...

Sorry for it being so short but I love a nail biter!

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