Special Day - Bralan

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Brittany's POV

We are all currently at Maks and Peta's house spending time together. Even though I had a couple days until my due date we decided to come anyways.

"Aunty Britty wook at me!" Emmi shouts. "I'm looking." I say. She does a backwards somersault and I clap. "That's so cool Em!"

For dinner we had spaghetti and salad. While we were eating I was having some abdominal pain. "Aunt Brittany when is Baby Addie coming?" Lauren asks. "I think she might want to come tonight." I reply honestly. "What Britt? You're not due for a couple more days." Alan says confused. "Yeah well I think she begs to differ."

"Brittany are you being serious because if so you beed to get to the hospital." Peta says. "Yes the contractions have started and aren't going to stop any time soon." I replied. Everyone just kind of sat there until Jenna spoke up. "Alan your wife is going to have your daughter soon. How about you get your ass up and take her." Jenna says making all us laugh. "Okay okay I'm moving." Alan says standing up and helping Brittany up.

"What wrong with Aunt Britty?" Ali asks confused. "Baby Addie decided she wants to come out of Aunt Brittany's belly tonight." Peta explained. "She ate Addie!" Ali exclaimed. "No baby Aunt Brittany didn't eat her." Peta said. I was just laughing at the confused toddler. "Then how she get there?" Ali questions. Peta just laughs and responds with, "Aunt Brittany and Uncle Alan magic."

Once we get to the hospital everything moved so slowly. The girls would all take turns coming in and giving me advice as all of them have been through this. Basically after Hallie was born we were the only couple to not have a child so we decided to work some magic and jump on the boat.

This was definitely the most painful experience ever but at the end of all this pain would be a beautiful human being. The perfect mix of me and the love of my life.

After four hours of gruesome pain our baby girl was brought into the world.

"It's amazing. Look what we brought to the world." I said holding her.

"Addison Grace Bersten." Alan says kissing her hand.

Addison Grace Bersten
February 10, 2021 at 11:16 pm
7 lbs. 2 oz.
19.5 inches
To her parents: Brittany and Alan Bersten

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