Special Day - Witson

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Witney's POV

Carson wanted to watch a movie tonight so I agreed that I would. We sat down on the couch and I tried to cuddle into him, but being nine months pregnant makes it a little difficult. We're expecting a little girl and we couldn't be happier.

About an hour into the movie I felt a liquid gush onto my legs. "Carson, I think water just broke." I stuttered out. He immediately jumped up and got shoes on. He went upstairs and got me a new pair of pants then helped me quickly change into them. Then a contraction started I held onto the couch and one of his hands so I wouldn't fall. Once that one ended we quickly go into the car before another one started. When another contraction started I gripped Carson's hand and squeezed it tight. "Calm down babe breathe." Carson tells me attempting to calm me down but that doesn't work at all. "Shut up and get me to the hospital." I yelled at him. "Yes ma'am." Carson says focusing on the road.

After about ten hours I was finally ten centimeters dilated which it was time to push. "Ok Witney three, two, one push." The nurse told me. I pushed as hard as I could. "One more push should do it. Three, two, one push." I pushed again and then I heard the beautiful screams of our daughter. The nurses quickly cleaned her and wrapped her in a towel with a little hat then gave her to me.

"So what name did we decide on?" Carson asked. "Lauren Marie." I stated. "Lauren Marie McAllister. I love it." Carson said giving me a kiss on the lips and Lauren a kiss on her little forehead.

Lauren Marie McAllister
March 1, 2018 at 6:23 am
6 lbs. 9 oz.
19.5 inches
To her parents: Witney and Carson McAllister

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