Chapter 3

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Ella's Perspective

 The surging mass of dragons pulses forward, trying to get some place or another. My silver scales bristle. I'm super claustrophobic. Large crowds make me nervous.

I'm only here because my friends dragged me along. If you call them friends.

They say they like me, but they put me down for my half dragon qualities. They only like me because of my ability to control diamonds. I am a diamond dragon.

As the crowd moves forward, matting my orange curls, I call out for my friends.

''Sapphire? Crane? Where are you,'' I call. No answer. I push through the crowd, my glasses falling off my nose. One dragon pushes me backwards. I just try to follow the crowd.

The crowd begins to disperse, leaving me clueless and alone on a tiny forest road. The trees seem like monsters, lunging for me in the dark.  Goosebumps appear on my porcelain skin. My silver-bronze wings quiver. I can only go one way - and that's forward.

The forest gets denser and denser. The canopy of trees is to thick to fly through, and there is a new moon.

I hear a blood-curling howl. And a roar. Not a dragon roar, it's a battle cry. It's like...humans.

And I'm running. I don't know how they found us, or why, but they can't be good. My dragon ancestors never came out from a battle with the humans for the better. Neither did I. I see a gap in the trees. With a final burst of energy, I launch through it, and soar away from the forest. The wind gets under my silvery blue-bronze scales.

I see a shine in the grass. I tell myself to keep going, but I'm a diamond dragon. I swoop down to see what it is. A gold ring. I put it on just as I hear a screech.

''It's one of them! Joe, it's one of them demons!''

An old lady stands on the porch, her hands shaking. She points at me shakily. ''Stay away,'' she shrieks, pointing a broom at me. She shuffles backwards.

I laugh, because quite honestly, it's hilarious. People see me as the shy, goody two-shoes. But really, I'm quite sarcastic. And some people say I can give them a good laugh, but at the expense of others. Really, I'm the practical joker. So the sound that emerges from my throat is some kind of demented cackle.

The lady runs inside. I know I'm not in dragon country anymore. But as I begin to fly, an arrow whizzes past my head. And another. And another.

The humans are shooting at me. They think I'm evil. And if I keep flying, I'll lead them to my home. Like I have one.

I fly as fast as possible, losing them eventually. Thank God.

Well, I spoke too soon. An arrow hits me, and lodges under my scales. I shriek in pain and crumple to the ground. And the world goes black.


When I wake up, a white, sterile facility with humans in lab coats surround me. I decide not to sit up, only keep my eyes cracked open a fraction.

A (fairly pretty for a human) blonde girl with a clipboard walks over to me. She checks my pulse and heartbeat.

I pretend to wake up.

The blonde lady smiles at me (worst fake smile ever)

''You're awake!''

I'm honestly pretty terrified. ''Yes, I'm awake,'' I groan. ''Have any other methods of capture besides attempting murder?''

The blond steps back. I grin madly. Now is the time for me to be my odd, twisted self that no one ever sees.

I stretch my arm out, palm out. A tiny burst of flame erupts from my hand. ''Stay back, blonde.''

She runs out of the room in terror.

I fly around the lab, destroying everything in my path. There is music on in the background.



Sweat drips down my back, relentlessly stinging me. I've only cried once before. My mother died.

My white jeans are ripped, and my black cardigan isn't going to keep me warm any longer. These voices wont leave me alone.

On the road, dragons whisper about me.

''Half dragon.''

''She's good as dead.''

''No home''

''She has nothing to live for.''

I'd like to see them be a thirteen year old half dragon (in a society that oppresses them) that just lost everything she knows. A kid that has been tortured, hated, and stepped on her whole life. A child that has no choice but to sing the Song of Insanity. A child with no innocence. A child destroyed by life. This child just fought demons you can't even imagine. Shut up and help me.




I shudder. Too many memories. I stuffed that away long ago. Why did that memory resurface?

Suddenly, a group of armed men rush into the room.

''This is the United Nations. Stay calm, and cooperate.''

I walk up to them, and cackle in their face. He raises his gun. I raise my palm. A jet of flame shoots out, engulfing them. And the last things they saw were my eyes, dark and sparkling.

I'm gone just as the fire alarm goes off.


I see the soft plume of smoke from a dragon village. Slowly, I go on, knowing that the town is my last hope.

I knock on the door of the first house, the ocean waves lulling in the background.

A half dragon girl, about my age, opens the door. Her hair is acid green, and her scales are black and neon green. She has red eyes. An acid dragon. She flashes a smile at me.

''I'm Atomic, and you're gonna save the world with us.''

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