Chapter 6

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Ella's Perspective

I know those elves. They hate Volkov, so they come at my command. Also, I have great charm.

They charge at the other elves. As that happens, I grab Serafina and Atomic, and fly them out of there.

''What was that,'' Atomic screams, exhausted.

''A diversion,'' I scream back over the noise of battle.  They break free of my grasp, and fly ahead of me. My scales have changed color. They are not blue and silver, but they are red, bronze and silver. And they glow. All our scales are glowing. I land. So do Sera and Atomic.

''What are my scales doing,'' I shout.

They look as confused as me. Then, a feeling racks my body. It feels like my scales are being ground by a diamond cutter. I scream, gritting my teeth. The others look at me worriedly, and then collapse into screams. And I pass out.


I wake up with a throbbing headache. I gasp as I look at myself. Blood trickles down my arm from scales ground to points sharp as needles. I look around me. Sera is laying beside me, her wings cut open, her flawless face mottled by bruises. I cry out in anger. Atomic's hair has been hacked off into a pixie. Scales were scraped off her leg. Her clothes are ripped. As the shock wears off, I am in a lab again. The same one. I sigh. An assistant walks into the room, her heels clacking. Her hair is dyed pink. I put some fire in my hand. She does not back away.

''I am Alexandra, a friend.'' She says it in a language as old as time. The Dragon Language.

''You know it,'' I ask suspiciously. She nods. ''I am not your enemy. I am breaking you out.''

''Prove it,'' I counter.

She drops her books, takes off her heels, and lets her hair down. It instantly changes jet black. She takes off her lab coat to reveal a green tunic, black skinny jeans, and a sword strapped to her leg. Her shoes are black boots with thick laces. She has golden armlets, and a brown leather vest. She carries a bow, and a quiver full of arrows is on the opposite side of her sword. A scavenger's bag is draped over her left shoulder. Her eyes harden.

She is a Dragon Rider.

''You,'' I mutter. ''You rode my ancestors through war. Without you, I would be dead.'' I speak in the Dragon Language.

She nods. Not much deserves respect in my mind, but she does.

The other two stir. Atomic's eyes widen as she sees Alexandra. So do Serafina's.

Alexandra runs to the window, and bursts it down with her fist. Then she speaks in the ancient language.

''Mly sgah, came savel mti!''

My friend, come save me.

A massive dragon bursts through the window. It is as long as an Olympic pool, and wide as a three lane highway. It's scales are brown, and it has spikes on it's head.

''This is Majirica. She is my dragon,'' Alexandra says. Majirica snorts.

This is not a dragon that lives in a village, like Blossom. This is a Rider Dragon. They only know the Dragon Language. They are very different from us. Her head is the size of my wingspan, twelve feet either direction. I try to communicate with her.

''Gtha! Bi highle jierda.'' 

Look! I am just as you.

Majirica nods.

''Sgah, ki gth poyu.'' Friend, I save you.

I smile. Majirica burst a hole in the roof, and that was loud. Guards run in. I laugh, and throw fire at them, scorching their flesh. I hiss, and break the glass, making the guards cover their ears. Bullets fly everywhere. Sera grabs a pitcher of water and tries to drown them by raising the water into a glossy column, and tossing it at them. Alexandra draws her sword. She may be the best sword fighter I've ever seen. She slashes and cuts, almost touching her opponents, and breaking away, only to kill. Atomic puts poison smoke in a bubble between her hands, and makes it rain acid on the men. Majirica snorts smoke, making them cough, and breaths a little bit of fire. if she breathed as much as she could, it would scorch everyone, even us.

They run out of the room, if they're not dead. One remains. He trembles.

''I'll shoot ya,'' he yelps. I stare at him.

''Really? You want to shoot me? I have scales. BULLETPROOF ones,'' I sass.

''You tortured us,'' Sera adds.

''And we're angry. So IS THIS PROOF?" She hisses, and releases the poison gas.

I stare, wide eyed at Atomic. Her pixie short hair shines green. Sera shouts insults down the tunnel.

''Fly,'' I shout.

Alexandra climbs onto Majirica. As the other two fly away, I stare at the rider.

The dragon's wings beat with perfect grace. Alexandra's hair blows in the wind. Her sword is drawn, glinting in the morning sun. Majirica's elegance seems impossible for a creature of her size. Then, a jet of fire shoots out of her mouth.

''Ella,'' Sera calls. I fly away, my wings beating a million miles a second as I fly from the lab.

Under my breath I mutter.

''Regth blhid d'clattm bittighs.''

Time to shatter reality.

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