Chapter 23

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Atomic's Perspective

  Around Norway, at about three in the afternoon, is where our problems began. The serious problems.

  Majirica demanded we land. She snorted, and hissed. We landed, utterly confused.

  We now are sitting around a campfire. We have tried to leave three times, butt Majirica will not move. Alex is worried.

  "The word nun is the letter 'N' doing a cartwheel." Apollo said, his mouth full of food. I laugh. "How does one even think of this?" I ask. "Magic." The others laugh. We are taking turns coming up with weird theories. 

  "What if we are just in a book." I say. I laugh. "I just broke the fourth wall guys!" They all laugh. "That would explain all our problems." Ella says.

  "What if it's racist to call an orange an orange." Sera says. Tzarr almost spits out his food from laughter. I smile.

  Sera pulls out her phone (yes, we can have those) and plays Alan Walker - Fade. Apollo rolls his eyes. "Do you know how many times I heard that song as Elyssia's servant?" I laugh. "What was it, her anthem or something?" He nods. "Yes, actually." "Wow."

  Majirica stomps and hisses. Something is definitely wrong. Alex jumps up from the circle and runs to her side.

  Majirica roars. "What's wrong?" Alex asks. Majirica whimpers. My head throbs. So bad. I can't see clearly. I feel my breath freeze in my chest.

  No, you filthy demon! Majirica roars. She seems to be talking to none of us. "Who are you talking to," Ella asks. Majirica's eyes are wide and feral. Alex has tears in her eyes, but she does not move from the russet dragon's side. Begone!

  Majirica, you cannot win. This is a new voice, silky and sinister. "Who are you?" Ella growls, wings unfurled. She holds her axe in battle position. I see Sera wince. I feel a cold creeping into my blood. Tzarr stomps. Apollo clenches his hands into fists. What is this?

  Fly! Majirica almost shrieks. I see Alex turn pale as paper. Her eyes grow wide. She screams, and falls to the ground, writhing. I remember how close the bond between dragon and Rider is. We are all immobilized.

  "Demon! Demon!" Ella shouts. "She is possessed by a demon!"

"This is Elyssia's doing." I say. Sera grits her teeth. Apollo was immobilized mid-run. He was trying to get to Majirica, to help her, I assume. Tzarr howls.

  After several, long, tense moments, Majirica speaks again. I'm going to try and kill it. It will not answer to reason.

  "NO!" Alex yells. "It'll kill you, too!"

  "If I don't kill it," Majirica starts. "It'll kill all of you. Elyssia will regret the day she sent this creature here."

  "Please, don't!" Sera says. "You belong with us! The prophecy talks of a dragon and Rider!"

  Don't worry, little one, Majirica soothes. I do this of my own free will. I feel a sob in my throat. But I cannot cry. "Do it." I say.

  Majirica roars, and flies in the air. She bites and claws at seemingly nothing. A bright light shines in her eyes. She is furious. A blinding flash of white light blinds us, and when I look again, Majirica lays on the ground, whimpering, next to the tree.

  A whistling wind crashes through the glade, and the howl of some primitive evil, and the spirit is gone. I hear the voice in my head. I could not kill the half-dragons, so I killed the dragon. What will you be without the prophecy-predicted dragon and Rider?  Then it is gone.

  Majirica's massive body is laying. Alex rushes over to her, stroking Majirica's neck. Majirica lays down her head. Alex buries her head in Majirica's chest. What they say to each other is private, and only they know. After several long minutes. Majirica says, I will be with you forever. Do not mourn me. She says a few last things to Alex, and tears fall from her eyes. Then, the light leaves her golden eyes, and she lays still, never again to move. Alex hugs Majirica for a few more long moments, then she stands up slowly.

  "So passes Majirica, daughter of Eylena and Choamir." I rush over to Majirica's body, and whisper, "Goodbye." The others do the same.

  "We can't leave a dragon body here, for anyone to find." Sera says. I look over my shoulder. Behind us, is a secret waterfall. It flows into nothingness, an abyss, infinity. "The Cascades of Infinity." I say. They look at me, understanding.

  It takes all of us to lift Majirica's body into the sky and fly to the falls. We set her on the edge, and Alex closes Majirica's eyes. Then, Sera creates a small, gentle wave, and Majirica's body is gone, forever.

  We walk back to camp, and sit in silence for many hours. I remember how Majirica soared. I hardly knew her. I should've been more friendly to her.

  Sera walks over to where her body lay. Apollo follows her. He puts his arm around her shoulders. Sera bends down, and picks up a small object. It is the shape of an oval, sky-blue, and looks like an egg.

  "Come here!" She yells. We run over to where she stands. In her arms, is a dragon egg.

  Alex smiles. "She had a child. I remember her last words to me. Name her Rikka. I had no idea what she meant, but now I do. This is Rikka, daughter of Majirica."

  After Alex says that, the egg begins to break. Rikka is hatching. The sky-blue membrane falls away, and a dragonling with sky blue scales, wings that fade from the sky-blue into Majirica's coloring, and golden eyes, hatches.

  The dragonling is no bigger than a large dog. She stretches her wings, and sits up, licking egg membrane off her body. The first words of Rikka: Where is mother?

  I freeze. Alex picks up Rikka. "I am your mother, for now."

  But where is my real mother?

  "Should we?" I ask. She nods. All of us stand in a circle, and combine our magic. In the center of the circle, a projection of Majirica. We fall away. The phantom-Majirica speaks.

  Rikka. My daughter. I can see you. You are so beautiful. I wish I could really be there for you. But Alexandra is your Rider. I am Majirica, your mother. Your father is named Xaophelious. But I called him Xao. I was killed fighting a demon, just earlier today. These people will protect you. There is so much I'd like to say, but so little time. Just remember who I was, even if you never could know me. Be strong. I feel you will have to in the following months and years. Your father, well, he would say the same. He'd also tell you to be kind but tough all the days of your life. You will live forever, as long as nothing or no one kills you. Please, do not hate me. I understand if you do. I couldn't let these friends of mine die.
  But, times change, and so must I. You will be the most fantastic dragon to ever live, even if your father and I are not there for you. You look just like him. You have my wings and eyes, though. Remember, don't hesitate to fight for what's right, love your friends, and know, in your heart, I will always be proud to call you my daughter, my little moonshine.

  I feel myself crying as Majirica fades away. Rikka sits in silence, deep sadness in her eyes. After a while, she turns to us.

  "Where do we begin?"

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