Chapter 2: I'm ready.

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Steve sat in a stunned silence as he watched images of his old friend Howard Stark flicker across the screen. Steve nodded lightly and Fury changed the slide show to a split screen; one showed a man in a metal suit, and the other a women in shield uniform.

Fury paused the images "This is Tony and April Stark, Howard Stark's children."

Steve studied the two bodies carefully, he could see little of Howard in either of them. His mind drifted to Peggy and all of the other people he'd left behind. Were any of them still alive? How much had the world changed since he'd been frozen? Why the hell was he still sat here being ordered around by a smug looking man with an eye-patch?

Steve smiled amused at his own thoughts, causing Fury to raise an eyebrow before continuing his lecture.

"I believe you've already been brought up to speed on Tony Stark and his status as 'Iron Man'?"

Steve nodded

"Good, then It's April I wish to talk about. She's been in the service of shield since she was 17. Loyal, Trustworthy, and Skilled. That's why I've asked for her to be your 'Partner'..."

"So, I'll live with Stark's sister?" Steve queried

"Until it is decided that you are fully capable of surviving on your own, yes."

Steve nodded "When do I meet her?"

"As soon as your ready." Fury reassured "She's been told the in's and out's of everything. The serum. The war. The plane crash. We've kept her well informed of the kind of care you'll need; You'll be completely comfortable, and must take as much time as you need before throwing yourself back into being a soldier."

Steve gritted his teeth and nodded solemnly "I'm ready."

Colonel Fury, who Steve had now come to know was the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.S operations, studied the soldier carefully before bowing his head to an agent stood by the door. The agent retreated from the room for a matter of seconds before returning with a women. She walked confidently over to Steve and he looked her over.

She was medium height with a nice figure. Her long wavy hair hung loosely from a ponytail, and her ice blue eyes created the most intense stare. She smiled and held out a hand; Steve took it gracefully, and introduced himself,


Her smile widened "April."

The director cleared his throat "I understand you'll take good care of the Captain Ms Stark, we want him on top form"

"Yes sir."

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