Chapter 13: Welcome to the circus.

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"We are at code red." Fury's voice echoed through the room.

The whole team was assembled back in the main control room, including a rather irritated Johnny Storm.

"I can't afford to keep you all here on the hellicarrier now your lives at at risk." Fury continued "Doom knows someone is after him, he dosen't know who, but the first place he's going to come looking is here. And if this place decides to go up in flames, then you 10 can't be on here in case it does."

The entirety of the table nodded. Being blown up at 30,000 feet (or so) didn't sound like the best idea.

"I want you all situated at Stark tower until further notice. That way, if anything does happen you'll all be assembled and ready to suit up. Clear?" Fury asked

Johnny raised a hand in the air, signalling that he wanted to speak.

Fury nodded in his direction "Storm?"

"Why can't we just go back to the Baxter building?" He asked, gesturing to the rest of the fantastic four "It's not too far away from Stark's place..."

"Johnny, I understand that your personal issues have compromised you." Fury sympathized "However, If Victor knows someone is after him, he's going to come after S.H.I.E.L.D. His second stop will most likely be you and the rest of the four."

"So everyone's coming to live with me?" Tony asked "Thanks for the warning."

"You haven't ever had a run in with Victor Von Doom Tony. He isn't going to go near you. That's why I need everyone at the tower."

Johnny tried to interject, but was stopped by Fury's strict tone "This is not a negotiation! This is an order."


"Welcome, one and all..." Tony announced as the team entered Stark Tower.

JARVIS' English tone rang out in the hallway "Good evening, Sir. Shall I inform Miss Potts you have arrived?" 

"Go for it J." Tony approved.

They all squeezed into an elevator that led to the top floors of the tower. When the elevator came to a stop, the doors opened into the living room. A tall, slim woman stood waiting for them; her strawberry blonde hair tied neatly in a ponytail.

"Everyone, this is my lady Pepper." Tony introduced her "Pep, come meet the rest of my circus..."

Pepper chuckled and graciously shook everyone's hand. Between her and Tony, they managed to allocate us all rooms before dinner was ready.

Everyone sat themselves around the table as Tony's 'Dummy' robot started to lay food in front of them. Tony did a quick headcount and called to JARVIS "J? Where's my sister?"

"Miss Stark will not be joining you for dinner, Sir."

"And why not?"

"She will not disclose that information to me, Sir."

"Well then..." Tony finally gave up "On her own head be it, to miss out on Shwarma..."

Steve stood up from the table and made his way towards the elevator.

"Yo, Capsicle!" Tony called "Where you going? You haven't eaten anything yet..."

"There's something I gotta' do..." Steve replied, as the elevator doors shut.


"Miss Stark? Mr Rogers is outside. Shall I let him in?" 

April cracked a small smile "Yes please Jarvis."

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