Chapter 6: Nothing's better than pancakes.

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Steve awoke to the favourable smell of bacon. He toddled sleepily into the living room.

April was stood in the kitchen, watching over the bacon and eggs. She heard a door open and close and without thinking, assumed it was Johnny, "Morning baby." She smiled, eyes still intently glued to the stove "I've got eggs, bacon and maybe even pancakes if your a good boy..." Her tone was play full. She smirked and looked up to find a rather awkwardly stood Steve smiling back at her.

"Oh... Steve..."

He nodded

"Sorry..." She laughed "Thought you were-"

"STORM IN THE HOUUUUUUUUSE!" Johnny announced as he bounded into the living room.

April rolled her eyes "Him..." She gestured toward her half naked boyfriend who had pulled up a seat at the table.

"What we got today baby?" Johnny asked excitedly banging his palms flat on the table.

"Depends... you gonna put shirt on?"


"How 'bout if I make pancakes?"

Johnny jumped straight up from the table and dashed into the bedroom to retrieve his shirt. April looked smugly at Steve "Works every time..."

"Nothing better than pancakes." Steve agreed

When Johnny returned, he decided to finally introduce himself to their house guest. "So, Rogers?"

Steve turned to him and offered a hand "Steve."

"Steve..." Johnny repeated taking his hand firmly. Steve tried to pull back but Johnny didn't release his hand, it was then he felt Johnny's hand start to warm up quickly. "Think you can take the heat captain?" Johnny challenged raising an eyebrow as Steve's hand started to smoke.

Steve pulled his hand back quickly, and April spoke sternly from the kitchen "Play nice Johnny!".

"Come on..." Johnny whined "I was just kidding..."

Steve was about to say something, but paused as April placed a plate of food in front of him. Johnny was next to get his, then finally she sat down and ate with them. After they'd finished, Johnny let out what he was sure was a record breaking belch. He tilted his head to the side and spoke almost too proudly "excuse me...".

April sighed and shook her head, taking the plates into the kitchen, she began the washing up. Steve and Johnny stayed at the table; Steve reading, and Johnny ogling his girlfriend as she beant down to put the plates in the cupboard.

Johnny snapped out of his thoughts and turned to Steve "So, Steve... Fury said he wants you in soon. We have another group of wierdo's to deal with..."

April joined the conversation "What do you mean? I thought you and Ben dealt with it..."

"There were... complications." Johnny sighed "Turns out they're all working for the same-" Johnny waved his hands around in the air mockingly "-evil mastermind..."
April laughed at Johnny's attempted 'evil mastermind' impression, as he continued.
"We find out who it is; We get rid of whoever it is; We eliminate the threat." Johnny stretched before continuing "Easy peasy stuff... We just need to find out who they're all working for. Fury's getting everyone in on the mission, even Tony."

April patted Steve on the shoulder and laughed "Good luck with my brother."

"Your coming too A." Johnny admitted "Fury's taking this seriously... He thinks it could be something to do with Victor."

"Doom?" April questioned

Johnny nodded "And if it is. Then we've got some serious ass to kick..."

Steve furrowed his brow, he remembered reading about a 'Victor Von Doom' in one of the files Director Fury had sent him. "So? What kind of wierdo's are we dealing with, exactly?" He questioned

"Basically..." Johnny responded, placing his laptop in front of Steve. He pointed to the picture on the screen "These guys... Are in some sort of elite group of bad-ass spy, karate, ninja agents. S.H.I.E.L.D was unfortunate enough to have hired one - unknowingly of course - almost forty years of government operations, agent profile's and weapon blueprints, gone. Fury was seriously pissed. And if Victor has anything to do with it all, then we're in serious trouble."

Steve nodded. April walked in and lean't over Steve's shoulder to study the screen, "We'll report to Fury tomorrow, see if we can sort this mess out." she added.

Johnny nodded "Think your ready for action again soldier?"

Steve nodded "I'm ready."

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