Chapter 16: Father of the year.

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Ok, so last chapter I said that whoever posted the comment that made me laugh the most would get a chapter dedication. So, the winner is *Insert drumroll here*: neversaynever1499! Really made me chuckle guuuuurrrrlll ;)!

Enjoy this chapter!

(P.s- will eventually get to hanky panky ;) )


April crawled onto the bed, laying on her back, and signalling for Steve to follow. She pulled him closer, resting his head on her stomach. Idly tracing her fingers through his hair, she took a deep breath and began explaining herself.

"Steve, you know what Johnny's like..." She whispered "He dosen't know when to let things go."

Steve just sighed.

"Hun, listen." April continued "Maybe I got a little closer to Johnny than I should have allowed. But that doesn't mean that anything would have happened, and it certainly isn't a reflection on how committed I am to you! He just caught me on the spot, and I don't know... My emotions are just all over the place at the minute." She kissed his head "I wouldn't ever let anything happen between me and him though, you know that right?"

Steve nodded timidly

"Good." Her voice became a little more playful "Because you Captain, are perfection. And I wouldn't be stupid enough to ruin us." She felt Steve smile.


Back in the lab, Tony was filling himself in on everything that had just gone on; trawling through security footage and using JARVIS' expert knowledge of where everyone was in the tower.

"Well, shit." He muttered "Looks like everyone wants a piece of A."

Reed chuckled "Don't get jealous Tony, I'm sure you'll be the center of attention again soon."

"Hope so. Pepper hasn't gone near me in days... She's been too busy running round after everyone else and doing laundry and shit that I haven't been able to get any!"

"Can you believe it ladies and gentlemen!" Reed joked "THE Tony Stark isn't getting any! The whole world weeps."

"Oh haha Richards." Tony smirked making his way to the door "I'm going for a scotch break, you want anything?"

Reed shook his head, so Tony continued back towards the door. He headed up a small flight of stairs, and into the elevator.


"Yes, Sir." JARVIS replied

"Where's pep?"

"Miss Potts is currently in the kitchen."

Tony smiled "Then take me up our room, I'll shower before dinner."

"As you wish, Sir." JARVIS finished just as the elevator started to move.

As Tony entered his and Pepper's room, he pulled his shirt over his head and travelled towards the bathroom. Before he could reach his destination, something long, white and blue, buried in the trash can, caught his eye. Reluctantly he delved into the rubbish and pulled out the object.

"Jarvis. Tell Pepper to get up here right now."

"Yes, Sir."

After at least 5 minutes of sitting on the floor, impatiently tapping his fingers against the trash can, Pepper finally wandered into the room.

"Tony, what is it?" She asked

"When where you gonna' tell me." He deadpanned, not turning to look at her.

Pepper furrowed her brows "Tell you what Tony? What's going on?"

"Now I know why you've been avoiding me for the past couple of days." He finally turned to look at her "You should have told me as soon as you found out, Pep."

Pepper walked over and sat opposite him. She placed a hand comfortingly on his leg "Tony, I have no idea what your talking about."

Tony didn't say anything, he just handed over the object. Pepper breathed a laugh, forcing Tony to look at her with confusion. She smiled "Tony... This pregnancy test isn't mine."

"It isn't?"

"No hunny."

"Oh thank god..." Tony relaxed and pulled his girlfriend into a hug "You scared the shit out of me."

She raised an eyebrow "Would it really have been that devastating?"

"Come on Pep. We both know that I'm not exactly 'father of the year' material."

"Fair enough" She smiled "But who's is it then?"

"Well, shouldn't be too hard to figure out... There's only 4 female's in the Tower, including you." Tony gestured towards Pepper "Which leaves Romanoff, Richards and A."

"I think we can rule out Romanoff." Pepper said matter of factly

Tony nodded in agreement.

Pepper continued "So, is it Sue or April?"

Tony tensed his jaw "I swear to god, if spangle-butt has got my sister pregnant."

"Tony! Calm down... It's not April."

"How do you know?"

"She told me that she hadn't slept with Steve yet." Pepper admitted "Plus, Sue and Reed are married... It's probably Sue's."

"Wow." Tony nodded "I wonder if the kid will inherit their powers or not? Maybe it'll come out like a ninja turtle." Tony joked

Pepper slapped his arm lightly "Keep it on the down low Tony. No going around telling everyone!"

Tony nodded reluctantly, watching Pepper as she left the room.


"It's not mine!" Sue objected

"It has to be!" Pepper's face held a perplexed expression "It can't be Natasha's, and April hasn't slept with Steve..."

Sue's face turned to shock with realization. She slowly shook her head and sighed "I think we need to remember that April's only been apart from Johnny for 3 weeks... This test says that whoever it is is 6-8 weeks pregnant."

"Oh my god." Pepper gasped "Ok, don't tell Tony. You talk to A, and find out what's going on... then we'll go from there."

Sue nodded "What a crazy fucking day."


AAAAAH! So, I hope you liked it! Really going to need your comments now so, for when I write the next chapter.

Question of the chapter: How will Steve and Johnny react? Should April keep the baby?

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