Chapter 14: Stirring the pot.

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Tony looked on helpless as Steve and April shared a joke. It had only been a week since they first kissed and the pair had been inseparable ever since. Even the rest of the group who didn't know about Steve and April's little 'sleepover' had started to notice that they had become extremely close.

Johnny however, was less than impressed. He hopped onto the counter in Tony's lab were Reed was working on trying to track Victor's movements.

"Do you think there's something going on between them?"

"I dont know Johnny..." Reed sighed "You really need to talk to Sue about this, April speaks to her the most... I'm useless."

Johnny nodded and bit his lip, changing the subject "You managed to get any leads on Victor yet?"

Reed shook his head "The man's like a ghost... Wouldn't think that it would be that difficult to spot a 6ft man shaped hunk of metal walking around in a creepy green cape, but... apparently it is."

Johnny chuckled and leapt back off the counter top. Making his way upstairs he asked JARVIS where to find his sister.

"Mrs Richards is currently in her room Mr Storm."

Johnny hoped in the elevator and made his way down to Sue's room. He knocked on the door lightly and waited a few seconds before Sue opened the door.

 She smiled warmly at him "What is it Johnny?"

"I was hoping I could come in? I wanna talk to you about something..."

"What have you done now?" Sue asked stepping back so Johnny could enter the room.

Johnny chuckled "Nothing. That's kinda the point..."

They both sat down on the sofa. Sue offered Johnny a drink and he took it, before getting to his point.

"Its about A."

Sue nodded cautiously "Ok..."

"I just... I need to talk to her, but I have no idea what to say." Johnny admitted "I need her back Sue."

Sue took a deep breath and shook her head "You really pick your moments do you know that Johnny?"

He shrugged and kept his eyes fixed on the floor.

Sue set her mug down on the coffee table "Johnny. It's been a over a week since you guys ended, how come your only just having this revelation now?"

"I don't know."

"You want to know what I think?" Sue asked

Johnny smiled "No, but I have a feeling your going to tell me anyway." 

"I think your jealous..."

Johnny raised an eyebrow.

"Dont look at me like that." Sue commanded "You know exactly what I'm talking about...".

Johnny shook his head and smirked; just as he was about to disagree with her, Sue continued.

"You've seen how close she's gotten to Steve. Reed told me you've been pestering him about it for days."

Johnny snorted a laugh "As if I'd ever be jealous of Rogers..."

"Come on Johnny, don't play dumb." Sue tried to coax him out of his shell "You feel like if you can't have her, then no one can... That's why your suddenly all worked up about it again!"

"I didn't come here for a therapy session Sue."

"Then what did you come for?"

"Advice!" Johnny raised his voice slightly "Tell me what to do..."

"You really want my honest opinion on what to do?"

Johnny nodded

"Leave it Johnny." Sue spoke sincerely "Move on, and let her do the same..."

His expression deflated as he sunk back into the couch "So she is seeing Steve then?"

Sue looked him over before nodding slowly.

"Got it." He sighed "Message received loud and clear..."

Sue narrowed her eyes "I'm watching you Johnny..."


A few hours later Johnny was making his way to blatantly ignore his sister's advice. He knew that Steve was in the gym, so there were no distractions. He knocked on April's door with urgency, knowing that if he didn't say everything he wanted to now, then he never would.

April opened the door with a wide grin that soon fell, obviously she was expecting someone else...

"Is it ok if I come in?"

April looked confused but stood aside anyway, allowing him into the room.

"I just wanted to talk." Johnny finally said


"Uh... A." Suddenly Johnny felt all the words he'd practiced over and over in his head just disappear "I... uh. fuck."

April looked at him even more worriedly "Johnny, whats going on?"

"I just... I wanted to speak to you about us." Thank god... words! Johnny thought

"There isn't an 'us' anymore torch." April deadpanned

"That's why I'm here..." He explained taking her hands "I need you, A."

April looked up at him defeated. He could see the cogs turning in her head; she was silently fighting herself, already knowing where the conversation was heading.

"Johnny..." She looked away from him, but kept her hands in his "Just, don't."

Johnny dropped her hands in frustration "Everyone's always saying that I'm irresponsible... right?"

April nodded lightly

"Well this is me taking responsibility for my actions." He whimpered "I know I made a mistake, I accept that! And now I'm stepping up, and I'm fighting for what I want... Even if I don't really deserve it."

April cracked. She took Johnny's face in her hands and leaned in. His breath hitched as she gently placed a kiss on his cheek; leaning back slightly to look him in the eyes. Johnny rested his forehead against hers and placed his hands on the small of her back to pull her closer.

"Im sorry." April whispered "I can't."


As Steve finished up in the gym, he made plans to shower before going to see April.

"Jarvis?" He called

"Yes Captain Rogers."

"Where's April now?" Steve enquired

"Miss Stark is currently in her room with Mr Storm." JARVIS replied

"Storm?" Steve said through gritted Steve "Please could you pull up the security footage Jarvis?"

"Certainly Mr Rogers." JARVIS said, just as an animated blue screen appeared on the wall of the gym. The footage connected just in time for Steve to hear Johnny's speech. Steve saw everything; his jaw clenching as he watched April peck him on the cheek, before Johnny pulled her closer.

Shit just hit the fan.


Question of the Chapter: How crazy is Steve gonna go? A little annoyed, or a break Johnny's nose kind of angry? Should April take Johnny back?

Vote and Comment please hunnie's! :D xoxo

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