Chapter 15: Fire vs Ice.

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Just want to appologise in advance for how short this chapter is but I had MEGA writers block so :( sadface. I'm not sure It's any good but enjoy :)


Johnny left April's room with his eyes fixed on the floor. He managed to make it halfway down the hallway before he hit a sturdy object. Johnny looked up to find Steve stood in his way.

"Rogers." He said plainly, trying to walk around Steve.

Steve's hand collided firmly with Johnny's chest, as he pushed him back "We need to talk." Steve said matter of factly.

Johnny batted Steve's hand away "Listen Spangles!" He spat "I don't know what your problem is, but you need to back off!"

"No, you need to back off!" Steve said stepping closer to him.

"I am not in the mood." 

"Oh really?" Steve breathed a laugh "Looked like you were in the mood a minute ago when you were getting touchy feely with my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend!?" Johnny laughed "Oh, this is just precious... Really." Johnny squared up to Steve "I ain't afraid of you bubble-butt. What makes you think April will stick with you, when she can have me?"

Steve ground his teeth, and refrained from slamming Johnny into the wall. He took a step back and regained his calm composure "Just stay away Johnny."

Johnny watched as Steve turned and walked purposely down the hallway.

"They should've kept him on ice..." Johnny murmured under his breath.

Steve stopped and turned abruptly "If you got something to say Storm, Say it."

"Fine." Johnny rose to the challenge "You walk around like the big man; perfect gentlemen, perfect soldier, perfect jawline. But really, your no better than the rest of us... You've got blood on your hands just as much as we do, but everyone still thinks your this indestructible embodiment of good." He declared, striding up to Steve "Things are differant in this decade Cap. Your from the past; maybe you should've stayed there."

"You don't know anything about me Johnny!" Steve objected "The only reason you resent my 'embodiment of good'ness is because you know your such an ass!" Steve said using air quotes when repeating Johnny's earlier statement.

"Oh please!" Johnny huffed "Your so fucking annoying..."

"I'm not the one going round and caressing other people's partners!" 

Johnny laughed "Get over it spandex!"

"Jerk." Steve muttered

"Dick." Johnny challenged

"Your such a child."

"Your such a woman stealer."

"Grow up." Steve growled

 Sue opened her door "What the hell is all this noise!"

"Your asshole brother's been after A!" Steve snapped

"For god sake, Johnny!" Sue whined "I told you to leave it." 

"Your supposed to be on my side!" Johnny shouted "Why the hell is the whole world always against me! Jesus!"

Steve suddenly cracked "Because your a sorry excuse for a man! And you damn well know it!"

Johnny set the palm of his hands alight before he lunged at Steve. He was pushed back as Sue placed a force field between him and Steve, whilst April had also emerged from her room to pull the pair apart.

"Will you two stop acting like children and calm down!" Sue commanded

Johnny and Steve both took a deep breath, and as Sue dropped the force field the image of April stood in front of Steve came into view.

She wrapped her arms around Steve's neck, bringing his head down to rest in the crook of her neck.

"Just calm down Steve..." She soothed "Me and you will go talk about it nice and calmly ok?"

Steve stood upright and nodded, noticeably relaxing as April ran her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck. Johnny stood silent, watching as April lead Steve back to her room. He looked back toward his sister, who was giving him an angry glare.

"I know..." He whispered.


Hope that wasn't too awful... ?

Question of the chapter: Really want your guys opinions on whether Steve would be up for hanky panky or not? Maybe he's the blushin virgin type who'd want to wait? I dunno...

Extra little bit o' fun: If you comment on this chapter, then before I upload the next one (maybe tommorow) I'll go and look back at them all and pick my favourite. Whoever's I think is the funniest gets the next chapter dedicated to them :)

Love you guys! Honestly, your support motivates me so much :D Hugs xoxo

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