Chapter 11: Humpty fucking Dumpty.

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"A!" Johnny squealed bursting through the infirmary doors.

"Johnny, keep it down!" Reed scolded.

April was now conscious but still going through the aftermath of having a ton of rubble fall on her. She had a large wound on her head that had been patched up by Bruce, and various bruises and scrapes along the rest of her body.

Johnny tiptoed to the side of her bed "A?"

April looked up at him with anger written across her brows "You just couldn't help yourself could you?"

"They told you..." Johnny said with a heavy sigh

"Damn right they did!" April huffed watching him shake his head "Why Johnny? Why can you never just do as your fucking told?"

"You don't understand A... I just saw Victor and I went for him; it was instinct! This is Victor Vo-"

"-No Johnny, you don't understand! I don't care if its humpty fucking dumpty! Do you know what you've done!" April screeched.

Bruce put a hand on her shoulder "You need to calm down April, deep breaths..."

April took a moment to take Bruce's advice before looking back to Johnny "Johnny..." She tried to speak calmly "You've blown the entire operation. Not only did you nearly kill us all, including your own sister, but now Victor and whoever the hell else is working for him know that were onto them! Were all targets now!"

"I know!" Johnny put his head in his hands "I just... I didn't think."

"You never think Johnny."

He didn't have an answer for that. Gather round children and let me tell the tale of when Johnny Storm was once speechless! *gasps*

After a long and atmospheric silence Johnny finally lifted his head up and decided to fight his corner "You know what... Everyone thinks I'm so irresponsible, and immature. No one trusts me. Why should you be any different?"

"Wow Johnny... Ever thought that maybe the reason people think your immature and irresponsible is because you are immature and irresponsible?" April mocked "Your always looking for someone else to blame! You never take responsibility for your actions unless those actions include being 'cool' or 'awesome'!" She used air quotes to emphasize her point "I just don't know if I can tolerate it anymore Johnny?" She breathed "Your fucking suffocating me... I'm tired of picking up the pieces every time you do something stupid."

Johnny looked at her intently "So what are you saying? You want to split up?"

April sighed and let her head fall back against the pillows on the bed "I think we both know its been heading this way for a while Johnny."

"Since when?" He protested

"Since you fucked that reporter at the Daily Bugle!" April shouted, choking on her words.

Johnny clamped his eyes shut "You know that was a mistake A."

"It still killed me Johnny." She sniffed "And today's mistake almost killed me too! I can't live my life constantly wondering what your gonna throw at me next... This was the last straw Johnny."

Johnny looked at her defeated. Pouting his lips in thought, he nodded solemnly and slowly made his way out of the room.

As the door closed quietly behind Johnny, Reed appeared at the side of April's bed "You gonna be ok?" He asked concerned.

April nodded. Noticing the clipboard in his hand she smiled weakly "How's it looking?"

"Good." Reed concluded "We'll keep you in for a few more hours just to observe, but assuming when you get out of here your not going to be doing any heavy lifting or ass-kicking, your free to go. Extreme bed rest recommended though A..."

"Think you could recommend some ice cream to go with that?" She winked.

Reed chuckled and retreated back to his spot in front of the computer.'

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