Chapter 10: Suspended.

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Back on the Hellicarrier April had been wheeled off to medical, with Sue limping beside her. Sue's leg would soon be healed and the rest of the team managed to escape with only cuts and bruises; April was being treated and would soon regain consciousness, hopefully only waking up to mild concussion and no real damage.

The team met in the control room to be debriefed by Fury.

"Well..." Fury admitted "That didn't go as planned."

Steve spoke up "What happened back there?"

"Johnny Storm and his ego happened." Natasha flat lined "He nearly killed us all!"

"Including his own Lady!" Clint added

Fury's head snapped up at the sound of the door opening; through it came two agents desperately trying to keep hold of the struggling Johnny Storm in their grasp. The agents gave Johnny a shove in Fury's direction.

"Mr Storm, calm down and sit down or so help me god I will set agent Romanoff on you!" Fury warned

Johnny closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before sitting down in front of the team with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Johnny..." Fury spoke softly but sternly "You have disobeyed orders due to your own personal pride, resulting in the possibility that 5 of your teammates could have been severely injured or worse. I have no choice but to suspend you from duty until further notic-"

"-What!" Johnny objected "You cant do that! I didn't do anything wrong!"

Tony huffed "This kid is unreal..."

"Shut it Stark!" Johnny screeched

"No, you shut it! You could've killed my baby sister, Hotrod!" Tony bellowed

Johnny face took over a state of confusion "What? A?" before turning to panic "Where is she?"

"In the infirmary, you dipshit." Tony spat bitterly

Johnny stood silent for a moment before turning and bolting through the door, heading for the infirmity.

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