Chapter 8: The Good, the Bad, and the Clumsy.

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"Johnny!" April whined poking him once more.

He finally stirred, letting out a jaw-breaking yawn "Good morning to you too..." He raised an eyebrow

"Come on!" she whimpered "Were late... Fury will not be happy."

Johnny groaned as she pulled the covers from him, "Fine, fine..." He reluctantly rolled out of bed and went into the adjoining bathroom.

April heard the shower turn on and let out a sigh of relief that Johnny was finally getting ready. April was already dressed and ready to walk out the door; she laughed at the irony of her being ready before the boys, and then went to find Steve.

Steve was sat at the table reading the newspaper, he was fully dressed and finishing his breakfast. 

"Thank god... At least someones ready!" She praised

Steve smiled "I'm kinda excited to go. To get back into a routine, you know?"

"Good. Proud of you Steve..." April chimed.


50 Minutes later and Steve and April were on the S.H.I.E.L.D hellicarrier; they'd decided to leave without Johnny since he could take the shortcut and fly there when he had gotten ready.

As the pair walked into the main control room they were immediately struck by Fury's voice.

"Where's Storm?" He inquired

"You know what Johnny's like..."Tony Stark butted in "Always primed, never on time..."

April's head whipped around at the sound of her brothers voice "Tony." She grinned as she hugged him.

"It's been a while sis... You really should visit more."

"And be mistaken for your newest fling? I don't think so..." She argued.

Tony chuckled and then looked over Steve, he'd remembered being told stories about the man in the star spangled suit; of how courageous, loyal, and strong he was; but he never did think he would meet him in person.

"Captain Rogers..." Tony held out a hand; before Steve could take it the roof of the control room crumbled above them, sending debris crashing down on their heads.

Fury and the other agents pulled the lumps of ceiling off of Tony and Steve, only to see Johnny emerge from beneath the rubble seconds later.

Johnny dusted himself off before raising a hand in defense "Sorry, rough landing...Clumsy me... I'll pay for it."

"Yes." Fury grumbled "You will. But right now we have bigger problems on our plate." Fury projected an agent's file onto a large screen in front of the four agents "This is agent Whitehall. He was hired by S.H.I.E.L.D over 18 months ago as a weapons specialist. Last week he went rogue and leaked details of every mission, artifact or agent we have been in contact with since the start of the organization. We have reason to believe that these details were exposed to Victor Von Doom..."

April caught Johnny clenching his fists through the corner of her eye "Are we sure it's Doom?" She asked

"Not entirely... That's why I need you people." Fury replied "I've called in the rest of the fantastic four, so Tony and Reed can work on tracking Doom. I want every one else to stay put until it's time to suit up, and Mr Rogers?"

"Yes sir?"

"We'll be offering you elite combat training with agent Romanoff, just to help you brush up on your fighting skills, If there's anything else you need please do not hesitate to ask..."

Steve nodded

"Excellent" Fury concluded "Agent Hill will escort you all to your rooms."

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