Girl Meets Room

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"Ok girls step back so we won't hurt you" Lucas said
"You guys think we can't break the wall too?" I asked crossing my arms looking at all the boys who held sledgehammers in their hands
"We just don't want you girls to get hurt" Zay said
"I think we can take down this wall better then you can" Vanessa said and all of us girls agreed
"Ok then lets see what you got" Josh said and handed each one of us a sledgehammer
It's not as heavy as I thought it would be

I looked at the girls and we all nodded at each other
We went over to the wall in front of us
We took space from one another so we won't hurt each other
I looked at them
"Three" Riley started
"Two" Smackle said
"One" I said and we all tossed our hammers on the wall

There were 4 big holes in the wall
"We could do way better" Farkle said
"Oh really?" I sassed
I gave the wall a slight touch with the hammer and it all fell down

I looked at the guys who had a shocked expression on their faces
"You guys need to appreciate us more" I said
"And because you didn't" Smackle continued
"You all are going to clean up here while we make dinner" Vanessa said
"Because we appreciate you and we know you need to eat after a hard work" Riley finished
We placed the hammers on the floor and went downstairs to make dinner

"Guys! Dinner's ready!" Riley shouted to the boys who were in the living room talking
"Coming!" they shouted back

The boys came into the kitchen with clothes full of wall dust
"FOOD!" Zay shouted and sat down waiting for us to place the bowls with the food on the table
All the other boys sat down looking at us pleadingly while we just stood there crossed arms waiting for them to thank us or something

Zay, Lucas and Farkle got up and kissed the girls mumbling a thank you or whatever while Josh just smiled at me mouthing a 'thank you' I smiled back
"Oh come on Josh you can do better than that" Zay said and Josh smirked getting up

"What are you-" he cut me off by hugging me tightly and slightly kissing my neck but nobody saw that
I gulped and bit my lip trying to hold back my giggle
He pulled away and kissed my cheek
"You keep doing it" he said while sitting down
"What does she keep doing?" Riley asked furrowing her eyebrows in confusion
"Some bad habit she has" Josh explained
"I still don't get it... why is this a bad habit?" I said placing a bowl of salad on the table and sitting down
"Mabey I'll tell you someday"


I looked down on his hand'Someday'

"Maya? Are you ok?" Riley asked looking worried
"What happened?" I asked looking at everyone
"You zoned out and just stared blankly at your hand"
"Oh... umm... it's nothing don't worry"
"You sure?"
"Yeah now lets eat!"
"Some things never change" she mumbled
"I heard that" I glared at her while everyone chuckled



We were done cleaning the –now big- room and right now well... we are just sitting on the floor talking about random stuff

"I think kittens are way cuter" Maya said 
"No way! Puppies are the cutest thing in the whole world!" Riley said
Ugh not again
"Didn't you guys already had that fight?" I asked and Maya looked down
Way to go Josh
She can't remember the last time they fought or anytime they fought
"Oh yeah! And then we met Dylan Sprayberry from Teen Wolf god he's so cute, right Maya? Oh wait..." Riley's smile faded
Maya looked up at Riley faking a smile
"No. I don't know." She got up and left the room

But... you promised me SOMEDAY (Joshaya)Where stories live. Discover now