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I woke up this morning IN CALIFORNIA!!! Obviously I was in the car, but it's still California!! YAY!! I'm so happy!! I've always wanted to move here and now my dream is coming true!! Yay!!

So now we are at the house and it's furnishes already except my room so my dad is taking me shopping so I can get furniture and stuff for my room. It's not huge so I'm just getting a queen bed, a white desk, and one of those cool clear hanging chairs, and comforters and I'm painting the wall blue.

 It's not huge so I'm just getting a queen bed, a white desk, and one of those cool clear hanging chairs, and comforters and I'm painting the wall blue

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This is what it looks like. Cute right? I love it so much.

So then me and my dad go to the living room and just watch tv because we haven't done that in a while. So yeah. Tomorrow I start school so my dad and I are going to get the uniform later! I'm so excited!! Today was sooooooo amazing though! No mom, no Hayley, no Katie, and no Liv. But where's Caleb.

As my dad and I were watching TV, someone rang the doorbell. My dad went to get it.

"Hello!" My dad said.

"Hi I'm Tanner! My dad told me to come say hi. Do you have any kids?" I heard the boy say.

"Um yes I have an 11 year old daughter!" My dad answers.

"Is she here?" Tanner asks politely.

"Um yea, Annie come here there is a neighbor who wants to meet you!" My dad said motioning his hand to the door.

"Ok dad!" I say coming.

"Hi An-" Tanner was saying as I ran upstairs.

I knew him. I know who Tanner is. Before I started homeschooling because of Bratayley, we were in school together and he had a HUGE crush on me. Like HUGE. I don't even know what to do! I just stayed there. My dad came up and asked,

"Annie are you ok?" My dad asks.

"Better than ever!" I say with a big fake smile on my face.

"Why did you run from Tanner earlier?" My dad asks.

"Um, I get shy around new people..." I answer biting my lip.

"Um ok..." My dad says walking out the door and lightly closing it.

I was just hanging in my room, playing on my phone when I heard Caleb again. I looked up.

"Hi Annie!" Caleb says.

"Hi Caleb." I say looking and smiling at him.

"I like your room!" He says looking around the room.

"Thanks. I love it too! It's better than the last one!" I say looking at it with him.

"Your welcome, and what's the real reason you ran from Tanner?" Caleb asked.

"Nothing, just shy..." I lied looking back at my phone.

"Annie look at me!" Caleb kinda shouted.

I looked at him...

"WHAT?" I ask loud.

"What. Is. The. Real. Reason. You. Ran. From. Tanner? You're never like this!" Caleb says.

"FINE! Before we got homeschooled, Tanner and I went to school together and he had a HUGE crush on me and it freaked me out ok?" I tell him.

"Thank you!" Caleb said.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and look at my phone again.

"Ok well I got to go! Bye Annie!" Caleb says hugging me.

"Bye Caleb!" I say hugging him back but not in those nice ways cause I'm mad at him.

Well yea. Then my dad and I ate dinner. We had steak! It was gooooood! But yeah! I'm so excited for the first day of school!! Yay!!

Annie's Journal // Sequel To "Hayley's Journal" (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now