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Anna's POV

"Justin!" I yelled. "Please just get him out of the house. Scooter will get mad."

"Look Anna," he whispered. "I have to deal with this."

"This is my business Justin," I started. "Let me handle it."

"Fine," he let me go and made sure to stay close to me.

"Derek," I glared.

"Yea, baby?" he chuckled.

"Get out of the house," I said sternly.

"Look, that's all I need to hear for the owner okay?"

"Fine, get out," Justin butt in.

"Okay," he scoffed. "I'll see ya later chickie."

"Asshole," I shut the door after he got out.

"I gotta shut this party down babe," Justin held my hands in his.

"No, it's ok."

"I have to," he sighed. He walked over to the blasting stereo and turned it off.

A bunch of HEY's went around.


"Oh my gosh," many muttered and walked out. The tipsy people were being carried by the ones who were probably gonna make love with.

After everyone left, Justin walked back over to me.

"Tomorrow," I chuckled. "We are tackling this," I motioned to house.

"Don't worry. The maids will do that."

"That's mean," I said. "We have to."


"Ok," I smiled. We made our way up to his room and I laid on the bed. He walked to his closet and came back in his boxers. "Come here," I giggled and he laid on the bed. "Oh!" I jumped up and stopped my clothes. I was only ok my underwear and bra.

"My mom would kill me if she knew that we still slept in our underwear and stuff after you got pregnant," he started. "She wants me to change my ways from hers. You know what I mean?"

"Yea," I smiled and laid down up close to him. His arm traced up and down my leg. "I never really knew her story of her until I read her book."

"Yea," he agreed. "I couldn't image. I know now that this, all of the paps, is nothing compared to what she went through."


"I love my dad and everything but man he was a dick. I'm glad he changed," he smiled lightly.

"Me too," I pecked his lips. "You have good people around you Justin. Promise me something."


"Promise me that even if we don't work, that you'll stay kidrauhl. Don't change because of one thing. I want you to stay you."

"We are going to work out," he looked at me sternly. "Don't you ever, ever say that."

"I just want you to stay kidrauhl. Never will he change, please."

"I promise to stay the same even if we don't work out, which we will, I will stay kidrauhl."

"Thanks babe," I slipped my hand up and down his abs. "I'm sorry stupid question..."

"That's not a stupid question. It's a serious one. I need to ask you something, too..."

"Uh, yea, I guess. Well, yes," I blushed.

"Did Derek take your virginity?" he asked.

"No," I said. "I did have sexual abuse, but I wouldn't let him take my virginity. It was a toxic relationship. He hit me and called me horrible things. I ran away when he tried taking my virginity."

"And..." he sighed.

"Yea?" I smiled lightly.

"I can't go on tour with you."

"What? Why?" I choked for air but couldn't get any. I still had about two weeks of my tour left before a five day break to Calabasas. Then, off to Europe. "Stop, this isn't funny."

"I have to focus on my job while you do yours," he sighed. "The business is hard to find a relationship where you're able to spend a lot of time with them."

"You have been. Maybe a few calls here and there but we worked it out. You need to sing Baby I'm Yours with me though..."

"Scooter called awhile ago," he started. "I just didn't have to courage to tell you."

"Scooter called for what?" I asked. "Just to rip you away again? You and I already broke up because of the life. Why do you have to do this now?" I got up and walked to the dresser where I found my phone.

"Hi this is Scott Braun. Sorry I'm not here to take your call. Call you back when I see this."

"Scooter, let Justin come with me on--"

"Hey Ann, sorry, I was asleep," Scooter picked up.

"Oh hi there," I said. "What did you say to Justin about not being able to go on the tour?"

"I didn't say anything to him. I swear," Scooter pleaded.

"Thanks," I hung up and crawled on the end of the bed. I sat criss-cross-applesauce. "So, Scooter said that he didn't say anything."

"Ok, ok, ok," he sighed. "I'll tell you."

"What is there to tell, Justin? That you lied?" I chuckled bitterly. "Look, stay home and have sex with the slut hiding in the attic. Whatever."

"That's soooo wrong. I didn't get to explain," he frowned. "Just let me."

"You had your chance," I sighed. "I gotta go. I'll be back to help clean up tomorrow..."

"Bye baby," he jumped up from the bed and kissed my cheek. "See you tomorrow."


Justin's POV

It's been about two hours since Anna left. I'm on my way to her house a few houses down. I'm barefoot and in sweats with no shirt. I fumbled with my keys and unlocked to door quietly.

I need to tell her what's really going on. I can't have her mad at me for now apparent reason.

I crept upstairs and into her room. After I locked her door, I laid on the bed facing her back. I put my hand on her side and kissed her neck.

"Night babe."

"Mmm...." she sighed. I backed off a little so she didn't wake up. I'll just tell her in the morning.


"What are you doing here?!?!?!" she screamed and woke me up.

"Babe, I came to explain..."

"Then tell me what's really going on."

"I was planning on having a flashmob for you," I sighed. "Then a big, big, party when you came back. I needed it all planned out, just for you."

"Two weeks?!?!"

"It'd be as big as a wedding because we need to celebrate your success."

"Success of what?! I practically got my fame from you... I don't like that."

"Baby," I got up from the bed and stepped in front of the bed.

"What?" she snapped and stepped back.

"I'll just cancel it," I sighed and took a step closer to her.

"Ok," she put her hands on her hips. "I gotta go... Get ready. You can stay or go. It's up to you. I'd prefer you to go."

"Babe," I put my hands on her waist; on top of hers. "Stop. There's no effing reason to be mad. I know you think I'm cheating, and trust me even ask my dancers. Believe me."

"Eff that," she began walking to the bathroom. I walked with her. "Go away."

"Take your pills," I said sternly. "NOW."

"I did..." she lied.

"Stop," I put my hands on her shoulders. "That's the only reason you're pissed. I know you're going to cry instead of going to the shower."

Just then, her eyes swelled with tears.

"I-... I just feel l-... Like you'll leave me because 'I'm using you.' Which I'm not, ok?"

"I know babe," I hugged her tightly. "Stop crying and take your pills."


"Shhh... Shhh... I'm right here..."

"I love you," she kissed my chest where her head was.

[The Next Day]

"Did you take your pills?" I came around the counter to wrap my arms around her.

"Yes," she smiled. "Right when I got up. I don't want to have a meltdown again. That was embarrassing..."

"You shouldn't be embarrassed by me," I sighed. "You can tell me anything. I'm more... down to earth than most guys..."

"I know..."

"Be right back," I said. "Gotta call Fredo to figure out what's goin' on."


"Mike," I started once my dancer answered his phone.

"Yea, Justin?"

"She bought it," I whispered to the phone.

"Ok," he chuckled. "We're working on the dance now. Have fun in Boston!!!"

"Kay, bye bro."

"What'd he say?" she asked.

"He... didn't answer."

Thank god she didn't suspect I was lying...

"Ok," she smiled. "Cereal?"

"No thanks," I said. She hadn't poured any yet. "Let's go out if breakfast."

"Ok," she grinned. We were already semi-ready. Nothing we couldn't go out in.

"Let us go!" I cheered and we were off.

"Oh November..." she sighed. "So cold."

"Want my sweatshirt?" I quickly took it off and helped her put it on.

"Thank you?" she giggled.

"Welcome," I gave her a reassuring smile. I was now only in my white t-shirt.

"Come on," she lead me into a small bakery. "I want cupcakes."

"Weirdo," I winked. "I'll buy."

"Shit..." she sighed.

"What?" I asked.

"I forgot my money," she started. "I was gonna argue with you."

"You like fighting?"

"Yes," she winked. "Only playful ones though."

"Same," I laughed. We bought our food and sat at a small table in the corner.

"Guess who found us..." she pointed out of the window. "The fans!"

"Yay..." I frowned.

"What's wrong, babe?"

"Nothing..." I sighed. "I just wanted to be able to hang with you... Alone,, you know?"

"Yea," she kissed my cheek. "It's gonna be ok."

"I guess...." I took a bite of muffin and we ate in silence. It killed me. "Have you heard from Leanne?"

"No," she started. "We haven't talked in awhile. I know that we're still besties though."

"Busy?" I asked. "Niall?"

"Yup," she giggled. "Always. I'm busy with you and singing."

"I heard that Niall's trying to help her with music and acting."

"That's true," she winked.

"Let's go!!!" I threw the wrappers and stuff away. She got her coffee cup and held my hand.

"Ready for the craziness?" she laughed into my shoulder.

"As I'll ever be..." we walked outside.









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It's sexual like Hold Tight. ._.

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Madison xx

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