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Justin's POV

As we landed and got all our things, it was time to go outside. (Picture of Justin on the side)

My stomach was churning and I was shaking.

"Are you ok babe?" Anna asked me while grabbing my hand.

"What?" I asked. "Oh, uh, yea. I think so."

"Are you sure?" she chuckled. I smiled lightly as Kenny opened the door for us.

"Hey fags!

Go back to fucking America and fuck you both!

Ew, the assholes arrived!

Fucking morons!"

My heart dropped as I saw Anna's smile faded. She looked down and continued walking.

"You ok?" I said in her ear. She just looked up at me and looked back down. "I love you," I said in her ear once again.

"Come on," Kenny helped us in the car and he drove away.

"Anna," I whispered.

"What?" she laid her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I said and kissed her forehead.

"Stop trying to make me feel better, Justin..."

"Anna, just tell me if you're hurt, please," i sighed and let go of her. I know she'shurt but... Can't she at least tell me?

"I will," she said after the long pause. "I'm just not right now." She got her head up and looked out the window. There's many paparazzi but mostly fans. I saw her smile and say something to herself.

"What?" I asked her quietly. She turned to look at me.

"I said," she started, "I can't wait."

I just smiled and grabbed her hand. She looked back out the window and waved.

"We're at the hotel," Kenny said as he pulled into a parking space. We were surrounded by screaming men.

"Oh my gosh," Anna spoke to herself. "Look."

"I know," I replied. "Kenny."

"What?" he asked.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Just plug your ears and run for the door," he shrugged.

"Please plug your ears," I told Anna.

"I promise," she smiled.

"Let's go," Kenny said. Anna and I plugged our ears. I couldn't hear as we ran but I could tell that Anna could. Her eyes got watery as we finally got in the building.

"When we get in our room," I started. "You wanna lie down with me?" I was anxious. What if she says no? Why would she say no anyways?

"No," she said quietly.

"What? Why?" I asked. Why did she say no? Did I do something?

"I just want to be alone right now," she let go of my hand and walked away with the room key.

Why does this happen? I want to be there for her but... How? Do I just march in our room and tell her to talk to me? Do I leave her be? What can I possibly do? I am just confused as to what I'm expected to do?

I called my dad and he finally picked up after many rings.

"Hello?" he spoke.

"Hi dad," I said. "I'm having girlfriend problems..."

"Ah, problems with the lady, aye?" he chuckled.

"I'm not kidding," I said sternly.

"Well, son, I am soooo not the one that knows things about ladies. If you're looking for an expert on girls, why don't you ask one yourself?"

"I dunno," I shrugged. "I guess I just called because you're my dad."

"Sorry, Justin. I screwed up with women. Try asking Pattie. She probably knows."

"No," I said. "Thanks for telling me how it's easy to find out what to do."

"Bye," he hung up.

After calling my mom, I finally know how to deal.

When a woman shuts you out, that's when she needs you the most, I remembered my mother's words.

"Anna," I called from outside our door. "Open the door!"

"Go away."

"Please, baby."

"No," she snapped. I walked away while putting my hands in my pockets.

"Hello," the woman at the front desk said. "How many I help you?" she obviously had a fake smile on her face and it caused me to roll my eyes.

"Can I have an extra key to my room, ma'am?" I asked. "My girlfriend and I want our own keys."

"Sure," she said with the ugly fake smile again. "What room number?"

"265," I said. "Please," I said quietly. "don't tell anyone about my room number. I'm trying to be on the down low."

"Yes, sir," she printed out the key. "There you go!"

"Thanks," I walked away as quickly as I could without being yelled at for running. What's even wrong with running anyways?

As I got upstairs, I unlocked the door only to find a small body on the bed. She was sobbing. Probably loud enough so she couldn't hear me. That's a good thing; I wanted to keep it that way.

I laid down on the bed next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you, Anna," I said into her hair. "Please tell me what's wrong?" I asked quietly. She just laid there for awhile. She cried and I planted small kisses on her next to give her a sense of comfort.

"You were right," she finally answered. I stayed there with a confused look on my face. What could I possibly be right about?

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Europe is a hard place to be in," she took a deep breath and sighed. "When I thought it'd be ok the first time I found out you weren't going to come with me. I thought it'd be ok for just one second," she paused and sniffled. I continued to stoke her arm with my hand. "I thought that you were lying when you said Europe was hard to be at. You know, the paparazzi."

I sighed, "Anna, just don't let them get you."

"It's not me," she said. "It's my family and you. They say all these bad things about my family and you. Oh God, they say horrible things about you!" she yelled at me. But I wasn't mad, she just needed to get it all out. And she wasn't even yelling at me she was more like screaming about how hurt she is and that everything wasn't right the way that it's all happening. "My family doesn't deserve this and neither do you!"

"You don't either, babe," I said. She got up and faced me (Still sitting of course). "All of this isn't--"

"Yes I do, Justin!" she yelled. "There are things that I am not proud of and this is my punishment! It's all meant for me to be hurt! I need to be the one not you or my family!"

"You didn't do anything wrong," I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Justin," she started with tears in her eyes that were threatening to spill. "Why do you love me? What's so special about me?"

"What has that got to do with paparazzi?" I asked.

"Just answer the question," she said sternly.

"Because you were different," I said. "You were someone that I could trust and talk to. You loved me unconditionally. I had felt like I was destined to meet someone around that time. I just felt like it was going to happen and it did, Anna. It was you. If I could go back to that day, I wouldn't change a thing. I was rushing things with you because I knew that you were someone that I could. I felt like I already knew you, and it turns out that I did."

"Are you sure you love me?" she asked quietly while looking down at her hands.

"More sure than ever," I smiled lightly causing her to smile lightly.

"I just feel so insecure with all of the paparazzi yelling at me. And you and my family, that's like way over the line."

"How about I take you out on a date tonight? Before all your concerts start again," I changed the subject quickly.

"I'd like that," she smiled. "But what about the music video?"

"That's not until tomorrow," I sat up and she straddled my lap.

"Oh, yea," she giggled. I looked into her eyes and saw true happiness. She looked beautiful.

"What do you want to do for our date?" I asked.

"So you're telling me that you asked me on a date and you don't even know what we're going to do?" she giggled. I placed my hands on her hips and began kissing her lips softly. It turned into more harsh kissing and she asked for entrance and I agreed. After awhile, we both pulled away.

"We could go dancing," I said.

"What? No," she said. "Too many people."

"How about a movie?" I asked.

"That sounds better," she smiled. "Shall I wear a dress?"

"You shall," I smiled. "Go get ready and I'll check the movie times and get ready."

Anna's POV

I got up and washed my face from all the running make up. I then changed into a casual dress. It's mint green with a big dip in the back. I wore black pumps with it and I curled my long blonde hair. I finally finished with my makeup and everything.

I haven't dressed up in awhile. I sighed and walked out to see Justin in jeans, and a sweatshirt. It was more of a crewneck.

"You look beautiful, Anna," he smiled.

"So I don't usually?" I teased.

"No, no that's so not what I was saying," he said quietly. "Sorry baby."

"I know," I giggled. "I was just playing around."

"Let's go," he grabbed his phone, the room key, and my hand. "We gotta get Kenny though."

"Please, don't," I frowned. "We'll just... sneak out!"

"Anna Marie Blake," Justin fake gasped.

"What?" I laughed. We continued walking and got downstairs. At least they didn't allow anyone that's not registered or visiting in.

We walked out and there wasn't too many paps there.



"Get the fuck out of our country!"

"You don't belong!"

"Fuck you, Canadians!"

We walked to the car and got in.

"You ok?" Justin asked me.

"Yea," I said. "I plugged my ears this time."

"You didn't before?" he asked.

"No," I sighed. "I didn't think it'd be that bad."

"Oh," he shrugged. "It's gonna be alright."

"Time for our date!" I cheered.

"Hey Ann?" he asked.

"Yes?" I smiled.

"Do you ever miss your mom?" he said in a low voice.

"What kind of a question is that?" I asked uneasily.

"Just please tell me."

"Fine," I gave in. "I do. A lot. All the time. But I'm glad that she's allowed to be with my dad while working. That's awesome. They usually don't allow that. Even though she doesn't get to be with me, she's with someone she loves very much."

"You kinda didn't answer, really," he said while pulling out.

"I always do. Sometimes it hurts so much that I cry. But I have you," I smiled lightly.

"Oh, thanks babe," he smiled back at me and focused back on the road.

I really hope tonight goes well with no negativity...


Hey guys!!! Thanks for 2,192 reads!!! :)

Please read the prologue to my new book "Useless" that's coming around Christmas time!!!

And please read my book "Second Chances!!!"

Please, please, please read them!!!

Vote and comment also, I want some feedback! Maybe ideas for the story? :)

Thanks again!!!

Madison xx

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