I Swear

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Anna's POV

My heart was beating very fast still. Neither of us spoke which made this even more uncomfortable.

"So..." Justin started after a good ten minutes of silence. I felt the pace of my heartbeat go even faster. Which makes me confused because I figured it would be able to. "What do you say?"

"About us... g-getting married?" I asked quietly. He chuckled.

"No," he smiled. I blushed a very dark shade of red. "Are you committed to our relationship?" I nodded my head fast. He chuckled and I blushed harder.

"Yea," I smiled. "I am."

"Me too," he reached his body across the small table to kiss me. He sat back down and slipped the ring on my finger. "And Ann?"

"Yea, Jay?" I asked.

"This is my third time giving you one and... I don't want there to be a fourth. So we aren't ever going to break up, ok?"

"Ok," I smiled. "Fair enough." I chuckled. You remember that tweet I said about not being able to listen to Justin's music? I sent it to my drafts just in case we did break up. At least I didn't post it. ;)

"But... if we do end up breaking up and getting back together," he paused dramatically. "I'll just ask you to marry me," he smirked.

"What if I do first?"

"No, I am. The gentleman usually does."

"That's usually," I smirked. "Hey babe?"

"Yes, beautiful?" he winked. I giggled with redness coming upon my cheeks.

"I want Tuts," I pouted.

"We can arrange that," he smiled. "I'll call Twizzy and ask him to bring Tuts with him. We'll all hang out."

"Awesome," I pecked his lips and began eating.

"Lemme call him right now. He probably can. He always does."

"Ok," I smiled as he got up to call him. I continued eating the food and I noticed Justin's pancakes were already gone.

When did he eat those?

He came back with a frowning face which saddened me.

"He... CAN!" Justin laughed.

"Coolio," I kissed his cheek and put all the dishes away. "When did you eat your pancakes?"

"I'm a ninja," he smirked. He got up and grabbed my bottle of pills. "Take 'em."

"I will," I muttered and got a glass of water. I downed the pills and pranced to the room. I hopped on the bed and the bed then flew me up in the air. Justin's on the bed now.

"Lift your shirt up," he said. I sighed and showed him my stomach. It was healing pretty well. You could still tell what I did.

He scooted closer and kissed my stomach. I shivered and he looked up at me.

"What?" I giggled.

"You're so beautiful," he said. "How could you do this?"

"I-I don't know," I got up quickly and went to the bathroom. "I don't know what went through my head. And Justin? I already told you! I felt horrible!"

"I didn't mean to upset you baby," he came near me. "Don't cry..."

"I know, I know," I sighed and wiped my eyes. "Guess the pills haven't kicked in..."

"Nah, I didn't mean to make you cry after today was supposed the be the best day ever," he hugged me. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me."

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