Chapter 7 -My Real Feelings

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Heyyo. The previous chapter had quite a scene right? Well this one too but better! I love love scenes. Hahaha! I LOVE love scenes. Get it? Anyway, I AM SO SORRY about the LONG wait. I was busy with my school things and totally forgotten ALL about Wattpad! Gomennasai!! Hontoni gomenne!

Whatever lets get back to the story nee~ Enjoy minna~

- Ayano Kazumi


"Acuuu~" I sneezed just when I woke up and my face looking as pale as ever like a ghost. The morning felt cold to me so I cuddled myself with my blanket. I was really wishing for a bear to hug but Valora and Naomi kept whining at me not to bring my teddy bear because I already have too many luggages to bring. I brought 3 big luggages with me, heheh, all filled with my girls stuff in! Maybe thats why they complained when I said that I was bringing my teddy bear along too...

"Ahhh... Warm nee~" I said enjoying my warm bath in the toilet. Naomi has left for class earlier but Valora told me to stay and take a MC. She will be taking care of me so I am in good hands. But, she herself has to take care of her arm which I injured it... She seems to act normal about it so, I didn't really say much about it but I tried not to be a burden to her while resting so I stayed at the bed most of the time. I looked out of the window at the basketball court, waiting for lunch time so that I can see Kuroko playing but after afew minutes standing there I felt soo tired but I wanted to see Kuroko. Suddenly somebody was knocking the door and Valora went to the door but I ran to her before she could turn the knob. I asked her to sit down instead and let me open the door because she was injured. She just smiled and stood beside me as I open the door. Felling abit breathless, I opened the door and just as I saw Vanitas, Roxas and Kuroko outside, everything went black. I fainted.

"W-What happened?..." I opened my eyes to see Valora, Vanitas, Roxas and Kuroko looking at me, worriedly. My fever suddenly shot up after fainting. I was too exhausted to care about who came and what was happening so I rested while Kuroko put a wet towel on my forehead. I smiled at him while he treated to me. I felt better and after afew hours of rest, I recovered. "Kuroko? Valora?" I sat up looking around but they were gone. I only saw Vanitas asleep at the chair next to my bed. Was he waiting for me all this while? I got off my bed, still in my sleeping dress and went out looking for Valora. Classes were still going on so it wouldn't be difficult to find Valora in the school because she is suspended.

"Valora?" I called out for her name at the hall ways and in empty class rooms but she was no where to be found. Maybe she went back to the room? I thought so I turned around to head back to my room until I bumped into a person. I slipped but a strong hand grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I could hear his heartbeat and feel his warmth and it was comfortable at that short moment until he asked me, "Are you okay Kazumi-san?" It was Kuroko. I felt like a love spell was being casted on me while was caught in his blue eyes. The unanswered question made him carry me in his arms suddenly and I was in awe.

"W-What are you doing??" I was blushing madly as I finally came back to reality. Maybe my sickness got into me which made me lose myself and go into dream world. I felt stupid for finally realising but Kuroko gave me his signature smile which always made me feel better. He was heading back to my room. Once we came in, Vanitas was already not there. Being with Kuroko made me forget all about him. He placed me on my bed as he sat down beside me. The whole way he kept talking about random stuffs that happened which made me laugh at some point until Naomi came back. Kuroko greeted us goodbye and I thanked him for the time he spent with me and watching him leave. My heart literally ached when he left... I was longing for his company in the whole night.

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