Chapter 13 -Courage

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"Itte!" I wailed as Kuroko wiped the scratches on my face with an anticeptic wipe. His hand flinched and he wiped softly. At that point I felt so ugly because of my riddiculous face covered in scratches and a huge, obviouse, monsterous BUMP on my forehead. Even the plasters came out because it was too big. I helplessly looked at Kuroko's chest while he helped me.

"Kuroko..." I lifted my face to face him. This is really the best time to tell him my real feelings before it is too late. I don't want to lose Kuroko even for a short while. My heart was glued to Kuroko already. I cannot take the chance to tear it apart. He looked at me, ofcourse confused because of my emotional face. "Sukide." The words flew out if my mouth. I quickly covered them in shock and I was abit scared of how he might react. His eyes widen but there was no answer. "Souka..." I said as as I was about to stand up and leave the room. His hand suddenly grabbed me pulling me into a hug. I was so surprised that my heart was beating soo fast. I could hear his heart beating fast too but why? I am only a little sister to him. Maybe this is how an older brother would react...

"Sukidesu." He said firmly. What? What did he just say? Suddenly our lips were already touching! I didn't realise it till he wrapped his arms around me telling me not to stop. The kiss felt so long but I didn't want to move. My heart was melting and everything felt soo right. (Maybe, just not the place because we were in a nurse's room.) Suddenly, both of us pulled away at the same moment. We looked into each other's eyes like in stories where people's eyes will glitter when looking at their true love just after kissing but, this one was real. We were about to put our foreheads together until Kuroko stopped. "Ehhh... Nande?..." I was confused and he just looked at my forehead. Ohhh! I totally forgotten about the bump! "Oh... Haha!" I gave a pathetic laugh because of my current state but still confessing to Kuroko. I am really helpless...

"Daijobu?!" Both of them said as I went back to the dorm. Hoshi has been more talkative now for some reason so she gets as worried as Valora for me. I just gave them my pathetic laugh again. "Look at those scratches! This is how rough fangirls can get. Girls scare me sometimes..." Valora worriedly joked as she made us some drink. I sat at the dinning table with Hoshi facing each other. I looked down in embarrassment because of my state but Naomi was really kind and gave me a reassuring smile. It calmed me down abit after a rough day in school today. Not long after, Valora came with sandwitches and tea for dinner. She doesn't really cool but her sandwitches were good enough to fill my stomach for the night.

"Oyasumi Aya," Valora said as she tucked me in bed. She was more like an older sister while Naomi was the middle. I could say that I am like the youngest because I was getting into alot of trouble by myself. I really need to be more careful. The moonlight shone in our room so there was no need to on any lights but I always had this small, pink, heart shaped night light just beside my bed because I am afraid of the dark abit. I just cuddled my pillow and drifted off into a dream...

The place was on fire... It seems to be like a house. "Is anybody there?!" I screamed.

"Cough, cough... Ayano dear?..." A familiar voice called.

"O-Okasan?! Doko desuka!" I called back running down the stairs.

"Here... D-Dea- Cough, cough..." I ran into a hug as fire heated up the place.

"Ayano, my daughter... I love you so much. Let's get out of here before they come..." She held my hand as we walked to the exit.

"Chotto... Otosan wa doko??" I asked mum as we were about to reach the door but, she kept quiet. I asked her again but no answer.

"Otosan, otosan!" I called out for him as I dissappeared into the smoke leaving my mum. Suddenly everything went black. I sat up rubbing my head. It was just a dream... I checked the time and it was only 2.47am. Afew more hours to school. I went to lay my head back on the bed and fell asleep again after that.

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