Part 2: Stay

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Harleys P.O.V

"Good morning sunshine", I slowly open my eyes and immediately groan clutching my head. I glance over at Red as she hands me a cup of water and two pills, I  take it from her quickly swallowing the pills, I hand her back the cup "Thanks" I mutter. Red smiles at me handing me a pair of grey sweatpants and a pink shirt with the words #plantlife on the front "Here you can get changed if you like" she says. I smile at her and say "thanks Red" she nods and walks out the door closing it behind her. I slowly slide the pants on wincing as they touch my newly formed bruises. I make my way into the living room and look at Red who is sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. I sit beside her wincing as my bruises touch the couch."Harls" she says closing her newspaper and turing to face me, I look into her eyes and say "something the matter Red" she brushes the hair out of my face and says "what happend Harley?" I watch her as she looks at the bruises on my face, I quickly look away from her my bottom lip quivering. "Nothing Red I just messed up again" she strokes my face and I wince at the small ammount of pressure that is placed on my bruise "Harls you can talk to me you know" I look at her desperately trying to hold back the tears that were threating to spill from my eyes. "Puddin he got um angry with me" I look down and start fiddling with my fingers as tears fall from my eyes I quickly wipe them away. Red stands up knocking over the vase that was on the coffee table I jump a little and look at her "I should have killed that clown when I had the chance" she says, I quickly shake my head and say "b-but it was my fault I messed up again Mr J didnt mean ta hurt me". She sits back down placing a hand over mine"don't go back to him this time" I move my hand away from her and cross my arms"Red you know I have to go back eventually he he needs me" She runs her hands through her hair and stands up pacing "why Harley! He treats you like dirt! You deserve so much more then that and you know I would never treat you like that!" She throws her hands down in frustration. Tears form in my eyes and I quickly start crying..I am so sick of crying. I stand up  "I'm usless Ivy thats why ! I don't deserve your love or your friendship i'll only end up screwing everything up" I yell I cover my mouth and then turn running out of the door. I hear her calling my name but I keep running, I can't ruin her life too.

Ivys P.O.V

"Harley!" I yell as the blonde speeds out of my small apartment, I grab my coat and my keys and run out of my place. I quickly ock the door and run down the stairs. "Harley" I yell as I stand on the sidewalk not that I thought she would actually answer. "Harley" I yell again "hey shes not gonna come to yah if you just yell her name" I glance over at the speaker. "How you doing Joan?" I question, she smiles holding her ciggarete in one hand and a cup of change in the other "doing okay Green eyes" I smile at her and say "have you seen a blonde girl run past you? She nods and points left, I smile and pull out a ten dollar bill from my pocket, she thanks me and I nod heading in the direction that Joan instructed me to go. I walk down the bright city street. I look around at all the distruction in Gotham and part of me feels sad that its like this but another part knows that Gotham will always be like this so there is no point in being sad about it. I turn a corner and still no sign of the shorter blonde woman. I sit on a curve and sigh, "Shit" I say outloud. I should have told her that I love her maybe that would have convinced her to stay.. Or maybe it would just drive her farther away. I would never make her feel like he does. I clench my fist so hard that I draw blood I hate how that ugly son of a bitch can make her feel so small. I stand up and countinue walking down the street. I walk around the block twice, I then go towards the area they call "party central". People push past me and music blasts from every club, I look around but again no sign of Harley. I leave that area and head back to my apartment. I sit on the curb outside of my apartment and run my hands through my hair. I pull out my phone and look through my contacts again. I land on a name "Bitch" I look at it for a while before I decide to call. This is Harley we are talking about and for her I will do anything. The line rings 3 times before the person picks up "hello" they say "Hi" I respond. "I would never ask you for anything ever but I can't find Harley and I need your help." 

Song:Stay by Rhianna (sorry if I spelt her name wrong

Who in the world could Ivy be talking to?!?? hoped you enjoyed kisses!! ❤❤

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