Best Friends Don't Lie

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Chapter 3

Rylee P.O.V

My head throbbed as I slowly peeled my eyes open to reveal a light blue ceiling. Wait a minute hold the firetruck up I don't have a blue ceiling. Quickly scanning the room I begin screaming and promptly fall off the bed. Their is a half naked man with his face buried in his pillow lying on the opposite side of the bed. My screams wake the stranger who tries to stand up and twist himself in the blanket.

"Quit fucking yelling it's too damn early for this." he mumbles. Wild thoughts run through my head and I begin to have a full-fledged panic attack. What had this man done to me and where the hell was I?

He advances slowly toward me and i scooted backward until my back te wall. My screams became louder. And I could see his mouth moving but I could not make out his words. He grabbed a nearby comforter and held it in front of him as he continued to corner me. When he was close eneough he threw the blanket. I began thrashing and succesfully tangled myself within it. I felt a new arm go across my body as he pinned me to the floor. I heard stuff falling. and breaking before he pressed a rag to my face. The smell of chloroform filled my nose. Where the hell is Becky when I need I her.


I scoop up the now still bundle in my arms. Beginning to exit the room I see Harry strutting toward me.

"You didn't kill her did you?" Harry said.

I looked at him like he's stupid before replying with. "No you dipshit why would I kill something as valuble as her." He frowned as i brushed passed him bumping into his shoulder. I walk swiftly down the hall to the flight of stairs.  I push open a heavy metal door to the room that contains the other girl. She's still passed out from the blow Harry landed to her head. At least he had the decency to give her a blanket. I don't know why we always chain them to the floor since there's no escape I snap the clasp on the girl in my arms ankle. I was trying to be nice considering she didn't freak the freak out like the other girl but I don't appreciate waking up to screeching and not to mention she broke my favorite snowglobe.

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