Chapter Two

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Immediately after Rai left the Pharaoh's presence, she took a palanquin to the city's reserved villa for visiting priests and priestesses

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Immediately after Rai left the Pharaoh's presence, she took a palanquin to the city's reserved villa for visiting priests and priestesses. Medinet Habu Temple in Luxor, the nearest temple to Pi-Ramesses, would take more than half a day to arrive at, so she must make do with the villa. Rai fought to remain still through the journey; she performed breathing exercises and muttered prayers and hymns, but succumbed to yelling at the palanquin carriers to go faster.

Finally, they made it to the villa. Rai barely took in the towering statues of Ra, Sekhmet and Anubis as she hurried forward. Two assistants rushed to her sides as she breezed past the open tall doors and into the incensed courtyard.

"I need dried lotus, a jar of wine and the freshest bread you can find in the city. Also, bring me the best quality kyphi incense and an abridged copy of the Book of Gates. Make haste."

The assistants left with her instructions while Rai pushed open the doors of the first ritual room she spotted. Her eyes danced over the large interior, quickly taking in every detail. There was a partition for a bath and changing at the far right. The main room was well-ventilated. The sun was high in the sky and its light spilled past the tall narrow windows. It was a strong sign that Ra would likely hear her supplications, and on the wall were hieroglyphics of worship hymns and prayers, ritual wording one must get just right. Rai had most of them committed to memory.

Two hefty servants carried in a large basin, and trailing them were more temple hands with buckets of water. Soon she was done with her bath and ready. Her plain white sheath dress clung to her wet body and her long dark hair still dripped water even after wringing it, but she did not care. The soles of her bare, wet feet slapped against the floor as she hurried into the main room.

They had provided everything she requested, all that was left was to begin the process. Breathing through her mouth and kneeling before the spilling sunlight from the window, Rai signalled for the two temple musicians present to play a tune.

As the sound of the sistrum and lyre washed over her, Rai lit incense burners and candles and placed a tray of bread and the jar of undiluted wine under the sunlight. Lifting her hands to her neck, she removed her long gold necklace with a pendant bearing the face of Ra. Placing it between the bread and jar of wine, Rai spread the scroll before her. Even though it was an abridged version, Rai was determined to make do with it. Her life depended on it even more than the possibility of many others dying.

Rai trailed a finger across the symbols on the scroll and muttered what was written in a low breathy voice.

Even though Rai bathed only moments ago, sweat poured down her back and chest, making the material stick to her skin even more. The music rose around her, and the sound of it mixed with the thick cloud of incense that filled the room. Her chanting grew in volume and power as she lifted both hands, fervently reciting lines from the Book of Gates. Finally, she said her prayers.

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