Chapter Twenty-three

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"You think you can disrespect me! None ever dared

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"You think you can disrespect me! None ever dared. You would be an example..."

Ramesses's furious words echoed in Addisu's mind as she struggled to come to.

"I will go after him. I will kill you before his eyes, right after I whip the weakness out of him..."

Addisu groaned and fought to open her eyes. Why wouldn't they open? She managed to flex her fingers and grip the earth beneath her. Straw and sand. She was back in the cell.

"You are in my kingdom, Addisu, far away from your people. I own you. I would tell your brothers and father that I caught you in the embrace of a slave. I'd tell them I killed you in a fit of jealousy and disgust..."

That cold maniacal laughter. Shivering, Addisu tried to move but her body refused to budge. She was gradually becoming aware of the pain, it spread across her back in dull waves and her face felt numb.

" one can save you. You might as well pray to me, whore. I hold your life in my hands. It's up to me to choose if you live or die. I am your god...I am god!"

Hot tears slipped past Addisu's closed eyelids as his words tormented and planted boundless terror in her heart. He would turn Re'hotpe into a monster. Her shoulders shook as she wept and begged the unseen God to take Re'hotpe before Ramesses got to him.


There was a sound of approaching footfall. Since she couldn't get herself to respond to the voice, she remained where she was—face pressed to the floor and head pounding. The pain was increasing. How she longed to slip back to unconsciousness, to float away from the pain and be embraced by sweet nothingness.

Why didn't they let me die? Why?

"Open it this instant!"

Addisu recognised Queen Nefertari's voice. The cell door creaked open and she felt the heat of a torch or lamp rest on her body. She sighed at the soothing warmth.

"Addisu. Oh, look what he did..." Nefertari's voice broke.

Addisu wanted to assure Nefertari that she was doing fine, that she had no memory of most of the torturing process, but her lips wouldn't move. All she managed was a weak moan.

"Thank the gods. You are alive!" Nefertari released a broken laugh. "You scared me there; I thought you were dead. See, I brought some healing balm and ointment. I also brought something for you to eat... Addisu? Can you hear me? Please say something."

Nefertari attempted to lift Addisu, but the moment her body moved, she wheezed. She would have screamed if she had the energy. The pain across her back was liquid fire, it spread and burned. Her breath came out in short gasps and she still couldn't open her eyes.

"I'll have to take a look at your back. Be strong."

Addisu exhaled sharply as her garment was peeled from her back. Tears flowed; her fight was gone. She just let the pain roll over her.

"The monster," Nefertari mumbled. "He would pay, my child. I would make sure of it."

When Nefertari sniffed, Addisu realised she was crying. Her back must be in bad shape, she had never seen the queen cry.

"This would hurt, bear with me."

Nefertari patted her head before Addisu felt warm liquid touch her back. At first, it stung, but as she spread the ointment pain roared to life. After a scream tore through her lips, she lost consciousness.


"Wake up."

Addisu groaned and tried to block out the familiar voice. She loved the state she was in at the moment; her sleep felt so good, so soothing.

"Come on, Addisu..."

"What do you want? Leave me be." She moved a little but hissed at the pain the small action caused.

"Can you open your eyes?" It was the word that spoke. Addisu had started getting better at differentiating their voices. She tried prying her eyes open but the action was futile. They were shut tight, as though held down by bags of coconuts.

"I can't open them. Am I blind? Was that what Ramesses did? He took my eyes?" Addisu asked weakly as she struggled to sit up. The action was so painful that she wheezed through gritted teeth.

"No, you're not blind," the spirit said in his usual tranquil voice.

Addisu sighed and relaxed a little. She heard the light shuffle of feet approaching.

"I am going to touch your face and I want you to try to remain still. Can you do that?" the word asked.

"Why do you want to touch my face?"

"Because I want you to feel better. I can't stand seeing you in pain. Now, would you let me?"

"How would you make me feel better?" Addisu attempted to sit straighter when she heard the father approach with slow steps. She could tell it was him because it was nearly impossible to detect the spirit's approach; something muted the sound of his feet touching the ground.

He stopped before her and rested a small hand on her shoulder. Addisu sighed when a soothing warmth spread over her body.

"Ramesses must be stopped. He suffers from a god complex that would ruin not only him but uncountable more if he is left to do as he pleases. We are sorry you got caught in between."

Addisu nodded slowly. "But, what of Re'hotpe? He said he would go after him. I don't know why he wants him back. He already has other sons." Her voice shook as she remembered the horrifying promises he spewed when he tortured her.

The word touched her other shoulder and said, "In time you will see. But now, we have a more pressing issue."

Addisu nodded and relaxed.

"So, back to our previous question. Would you let us take your pain?" the spirit asked, placing his cool hand on her cheek. His touch was instantly comforting.

She gave what she hoped was a smile. "Yes, please take it away. My back feels like the skin had been peeled off." She joked, her smile broadening.

"You're correct," the word said in a solemn voice. "It was peeled off."


I bet y'all like Ruhak (formerly named Abner before rewrite) so much.

Dwale leaves are very poisonous when ingested but when used on the skin, it causes pus-filled sores. (This is just a little info on the evil plant. The internet would give you a more in-depth description and all.)

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