Chapter Fifteen

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"What did you see?" Sekhmet swept her hand down the sleek head of the large black bird perched on her raised fist

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"What did you see?" Sekhmet swept her hand down the sleek head of the large black bird perched on her raised fist. The crow possessed blazing red eyes and feathers that appeared singed with fire. He tilted his head and released a harsh call.

Sekhmet chuckled and snapped her fingers. A sizable wiggling worm appeared in her hand. "Is this what you want?"

The crow cawed some more. Snapping his beak, he attempted to reach the worm dangling from Sekhmet's grip.

"Not so fast, Grib. You have to spill first." Sekhmet swayed the squirming reward before the twitching bird.

"Oh well," Grib said as he gazed at the worm with hungry eyes. "I picked Ra's scent near the Gebel Elba. After that, I found nothing else."

Sekhmet raised a brow in doubt. "Now, Grib. Are you sure that's all?" She waggled the worm close enough for Grib to want it but not reach it.

"I swear, I swear. That was all I could discover." Grib cawed as he snapped his beak again, trying hard to reach the worm.

"Oh, poor Grib," Sekhmet purred as she finally released the bird and flung the worm sky-high. "Catch."

Grib shot up and captured his prize in one swift dive. After slurping the huge worm, the crow disappeared in a burst of yellow flame.

Scowling, Sekhmet turned to the other gods. They were in the Eastern Desert; perhaps there was a chance they would find something within those mountain ranges ahead. Maybe, Grib missed a clue.

"We would head to the mountains as the crow said, but we have to be cautious. We do not know if Abaddon is still close by."

Some of the gods nodded in eager agreement while the rest stared at Sekhmet in stony silence. Their discontentment was something she expected. Even now, her insides vibrated in anticipation. All she needed was a disloyal fool to step out of line. Just one.

Sekhmet had left a handful of weaker gods behind and took the strongest in their ranks to search for Ra. That much was needed when a being like Abaddon was involved. It was her hope that when they found Ra, he would be merciful and not punish them for abandoning him in battle. It was all Quatesh's fault. That snake. His argument had been too strong. She wished she had not given in to his logic. But would their presence have made a difference for Ra? Abaddon was a colossal force—the literal angel of destruction.

"What do we do about Quatesh? He is up to something, I can feel it," Sobek said, cutting through Sekhmet's thoughts.

"Let's not speak of that worm," Sekhmet said in cold dismissal.

"And what if I want to?" Sobek shot back. "It is foolish to underestimate him."

The hair on Sekhmet's neck and arms bristled as she glared at Sobek. He was a good two feet shorter than her eighteen feet and twice as weak. Though his appearance was more fearsome, with the head of a crocodile but the hulking muscular body of a man, that was where it ended.

Sekhmet's scowl deepened when Sobek bared jagged rows of sharp teeth and growled. This lizard dared to challenge her.

"We are to look for our master and not worry about useless weaklings," Sekhmet said, patience fraying. "Stop this foolishness."

Sobek took a step forward and snorted, black vapour pouring from his flared nostrils and clouding Sekhmet's face. "Do not speak to me like I'm Quatesh. Besides, who made you our leader?"

Was the fool attempting to intimidate her? Sekhmet acted as if she intended to turn from him. "You do not want to do this, Sobek. You really do not."

"Do not turn from—"

Sekhmet struck his snout with a sharp punch. Two teeth flew, trailing black blood. He stumbled, shock and pain watering his eyes.

Not losing a moment, Sekhmet grabbed her twin axes from thin air and sliced, catching Sobek across his chest and left arm. Not giving him a moment to recover, she assailed him with relentless precision. His skin was tough, but her blows were tougher. Each strike left gaping wounds in their wake.

"I am the goddess of war, you imp! How dare you challenge me?" Her voice boomed across the deserted plains as shockwaves accompanied each blow.

Suddenly seeming to recover, Sobek caught hold of one of Sekhmet's axes mid-strike. It turned to dust in his grip. Pushing off the ground, he smashed his forehead against hers.

When cold liquid trailed down her forehead, Sekhmet's vision turned red. Bellowing, she flung an axe at the crocodile but he stepped out of range at the last moment.

"I will not follow you in a futile attempt to look for Ra or let you rule over me!" Sobek spat as he shot forward, javelin in hand.

Sekhmet planted her feet. Her body hummed in anticipation. How she missed this.

Not bothering to block the blow, Sekhmet allowed the javelin to pierce her torso, but in the same instant, she grabbed Sobek by the shoulder. Her talons punched out and she sunk them deep.

"You are pathetic, Sobek, and you are wasting my time!" Sekhmet easily pushed out the weapon despite Sobek's vain resistance.

"Your challenge is an insult." Sekhmet ripped her talons through the sinew of Sobek's shoulder, exposing grey flesh and black blood.

Letting go of the javelin, vanishing to a distance. Sobek looked from his shredded shoulder to Sekhmet's face. She grinned.

When Sobek's javelin collapsed to dust in her grip, the air around Sekhmet heated up. She transformed in an instant; the gold bands around her ankles and wrists sank into her body as she morphed into a lioness on all fours. Springing forward, she fixed her focus on her prey. Sobek transformed as well, taking the form of a Nile crocodile. As he ran, his fat tail whipped about and rose dust.

Their collision triggered a shockwave. Ferocious attacks with powerful jaws, canines, massive reptilian tail and lethal claws. Dust covered the brutal scuffle, and soon all the spectating gods could see was the desert sand going crazy around fast shadowy movements. It would be nothing more than a sandstorm to a passing human, but a spiritual eye would know better.

After moments of growling, roaring, and crunching of bones, Sobek lumbered out of the haze. His skin was a bleeding mess, but it was the deep gash at his neck that drew the attention of the gods. After taking another step, he collapsed and shrunk to his original form.

The superficial wounds from the clash closed up as Sekhmet stepped out of the cloud of dust. Kicking Sobek out of her way, she gave each god a pointed look. "Does anyone wish to question my authority?"

The gathering remained silent.

"I thought so as well. We will keep searching for Ra."


I listened to NF's intro 1 & 2 on repeat while writing this chapter. I tell thee, the songs flowed so well with the fight scene I was putting down.

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