Prologue - A Good Man Goes To War

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Author's Note: Welcome to the world of Belran! :) The Dorston Fall is the first story in, what I hope, will be a trilogy. I am a perfectionist, so naturally, as I upload new chapters, the end ones get a refurb. I hope that doesn't cause too much trouble. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Please note this is not the final copy. Hopefully by the time I attempt to get it published, it will be structural sound in every way :) I love hearing from my readers and try to respond to every comment, so fire away.


Five Years Ago

As Nicholas strolled down the empty corridor, towards the dining hall, the letter weighed heavily in both his hand and mind. How wretched it was, this simple piece of parchment with its words of war and chaos.

War, at last, had come to Belran.

Being a man of four and twenty, Nicholas Hawkin had seen no real action, nor blood or death. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he figured he never would. Not that he minded, given his comfortable position in the King's household. But more than that, he was deeply fond of the royal family and felt reluctant to leave their side. He was fiercely protective, especially over the Princess Katelyn. She was five years old, when he first met her; fresh out of the academy and desperate to prove his loyalty to his King and country.

She was an imp of a child, shy and mischievous. Once assigned to the household, he started to witness all sorts of strange things. Things went missing or were moved from their original place. There were giggles of enjoyment down empty corridors, and the patter of running feet. Having younger siblings himself, Nicholas recognised these marks for attention and started to play. He played her games. He talked to her, showed her all the wonders of the world. Everyday was a new adventure.

In the years that followed, he became her confidant, her closest friend. Katelyn made him the brother she had always wanted. It touched him deeply, to made a familiar to someone so young. He later became her mentor in archery and combat strategy. It was startling to say the least, when she approached him, asking for his help. But who was he to deny her? She startled him further, her skills matching that of a soldier. She had amazing potential.

A smile worked its way onto his face and he stopped. Since he was given the letter, Nicholas had asked himself many questions. Why must he be the one to deliver the letter? Why not Rowland, the King's trusted brother? Why not Theo, his commanding general? Why not the Queen? She was the only one who could still his fiery temper. Nicholas was a solider, a servant to the Dorston family. He had no influence or power in Castle Sella. He didn't give orders. He followed them.

It was then, as he remembered Katelyn's kind smile, the King's hearty embrace and the Queen's confident words, he realised why this daunting task was appointed to him. He was undeniably close to the family and they treated him as one of their own. They had an entire army at their disposal and yet, they trusted very few. Nicholas, to his surprise, was among them.

Was it down to Katelyn's influence? He did not know. Even now, almost a decade later, he still felt unworthy of their favour.

After turning another left corner and then a right, Nicholas finally arrived at the dining hall. He took in a deep breath, willing and praying this would not end in a heated argument. The King, however idolised by many, was also feared.

"I have a important message for the King," he announced to the men standing solemnly in front of the large oak doors.

The guards, Lucas and Jason, nodded at him; pushing back the doors. As he crossed the threshold, the sound of laughter hit Nicholas like a punch in a gut. They were sitting at the long, rectangular table; his royal family. The King and Queen sat at opposite ends, with Katelyn in the centre. Nicholas gulped, frozen by the door.

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