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Ariana's *POV*

I can't believe Ricky feels like that, today we both have been kinda distant, ever since we got to the venue, he's been with the other dancers which is fine but usually after rehearsal he comes back to my dressing room and he didn't, feeling kinda lonely I decided to walk around, right when I was about to open my door I run into Nathan,

"Oh sorry Ari" Nathan's says helping me up, Nathan hi omg i say pulling him into a hug, he smiles at me and we walk back into my dressing room.

Nathan and I use to be best friends two years ago until he told me he was in love with me and wanted to be with me but I loved him as a brother so it got awkward but he recently got a girlfriend which I'm happy for him,

"So why did you look so down when I literally ran into you" Nathan says as I look down at my hands,

Well me and my boyfriend are kinda like being very distant and I kinda know why but not 100% sure.. Idk I really care about him and he thinks after tour I'll leave him cause he's one of my back dancers I say as Nathan moves closer to me rubbing my back as I start to cry,

Hearing the door open I look up to see Ricky looking at Nathan, and then him walking out,

"I'm guessing that's your boyfriend" Nathan says as I excuse myself to go tell Ricky it's not what he thinks,

Ricky's *POV*

"Babe, BABY, RICHARD STOP" Ariana yells as I ignore her and walk into the dancers dressing room, walking to my locker and putting my shirt on,

"Ricky hello, did you not hear me" Ariana says walking up to me, no I heard you I say bluntly making her pushing me, "so you ignored me, I know you think something was going on, you saw him rubbing my back, well I'll tell you why, I WAS FUCKING CRYING OVER YOU, OVER HOW I DONT WANNA LOSE YOU CAUSE YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY BUT TODAY NOT SO MUCH" Ariana yells making everyone stop their conversations and look at us and then down to their feet, as she pushed me against the wall I just let her hit me and push me, "WHY ARENT YOU SAYING ANYTHING YOU ASSHOLE" she yells again,

Ariana calm down, I wasn't even mad. I know you wouldn't cheat on me. I know you love me. You're my moonlight and I'm your star. Nothing can break that I say making her tear up, "Ricky" Ariana says softly grabbing my hand, stop don't say sorry you needed to yell and hit me I understand your a very stubborn Italian trust me I get it I say making her smile ,

"But I am sorry, you just get me so worked up whenever we don't talk, cause I get scared you'll leave me and I know that's why you were upset so now I'm just being a hypocrite" Ariana says wrapping her arms around my neck, babe it's okay, but can I ask why Nathan is here i say making her roll her eyes..

Hey guys so I start my first day of senior year tomorrow and I'm so excited!! Hope you all had a good summer and have a good first day back love youuu 💛

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