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Ariana's *POV*

Walking back outside I lean over the deck the looks out into the sunset and wow it looked beautiful, thinking about what Ryan told me I really start to over think it, like why didn't he tell me about this ex? He told me all his ex's and I told him all of mine so why is this girl not one he told me about, "baby" I hear Ricky says pulling me from my thoughts turning my head to look up at him, I turn my head back around and I feel him wrap his arms around my waist, as he went to kiss my neck I pull away, "what did I do now" Ricky says pulling me back into him tightening his grip, Ricky why didn't you say she was your ex I ask as he lets go of me knowing where this was going,

"Do we really have to do this right now" Ricky says, oh no he didn't, uhm yeah we do cause it's shady af, like the last time we got into a fight about one of your ex's we decided to tel each other each one and shit and I don't remember hearing this one I say getting loud, "oh my god, I swear idk why it matters now, I'm not with her I'm with YOU" Ricky yells at me, yeah but early when I tried to kiss you in front of her you pushed me away and now I know why, do you still have feelings for her huh? Do you rick I say pushing his chest, "Ariana are fucking kidding me" Ricky yells getting into my face, yes I am or I wouldn't be asking I say getting smart,

"we dated for 3 years and SHE HAD A FUCKING ABORTION AND THAT BROKE US APART AND ENDED IT" Ricky yells as I slap his face and Ricky pushed me against the house and got in my face about to yell but was stopped, "RICHARD" his mother yells pushing him back and going off on him in Spanish, feeling tears run down my face I run inside and Ryan runs after me as I run into the bathroom, hearing the door shut ry comes down and sits next to me, "he told you didn't he" ry asks as I nod, Ricky has never gotten like that with me and I can honestly say it scared me so much..

"Ariana calm down it's okay you know he loves you and it was the heat of the moment" ry says running my back to clam me down, wiping my face with the help of ry we walk back downstairs and see that everyone is gone, "Ariana sweetheart come here please" Ricky's mom says as I walk up to her she hugs me and tells me Ricky is in his room and wants to talk when I'm ready,

Ricky's *POV*

After a hour of calming down I go into my room and just sit on the bed and think, none of this was suppose to happen I never wanted Ariana to know, god I know I fucked this up, she'll wanna break up and I need her I can't live without her, hearing my door creek open I look up to a red and puffy Ariana, "I'm sorry for hitting you" she says making me feel even more bad, no bab- Ariana it's okay I put my hands on you and that's a big no, I'm so sorry I truly am I say feeling tears roll down my face, "stop crying" Ariana says wiping my face pulling me into her chest, I don't deserve you, ur too pure I say as she rubs my back, "Ricky you know I get very jealous with you and I don't like to share knowing you were giving her attention by just talking to her made me mad even before I knew she was your ex, and that's something I have to work on, cause if I like it or not ur gunna be friends with girls," Ariana says making me relax a little bit.

Pulling her into my lap we just sit there hugging each other thinking about everything, hearing a knock on the door Ariana groans and rolls into the bed, getting up to see who's at the door I hear Ariana groan again making me laugh,

"Rick uhm mabelyn wants to talks to you" ry says making Ariana pop up next to me, babe chill it's probably nothing, just please wait here I say as she rolls her eyes and goes back to laying on my bed.


This was really rushed I'm sorry!

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