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Ariana's *POV*

Hearing a knock on the door I push Ricky off of me Ricky and run towards it, opening it I see the last I would to ever think we show up to my house, "mabelyn" I hear Ricky say in shock, "hi uhm I know this is probably not a good time but Ariana can we talk she says making me tense up, "uhm what do you need to talk to her about" Ricky says, "in private, please Ariana" Mabel you says looking right at me, I nod and Ricky kisses my cheek and walks back into the living room,

I close the door and we walk into the kitchen, "Ariana I just wanted to say how sorry I am if I started anything with you and rick, I honestly didn't mean to, me and him has a past and that's where it's staying, I can tell he's very happy with you, he never smiled or cared for me like he does with you, don't ever let him go" Mabelyn says, yeah you did but we talked it out and we are fine now, and i wanna thank you for coming to me to apologize I really appreciate that I say pulling her into a hug, "no really it's no problem you at least deserve that from me" she says as we walk to the door, okay we'll have a nice day hope to see you again or something I say waving bye to her as she walks down the driveway,

Walking into the living room i run right into Ricky, "oh shit" Ricky says, babe were you ease dropping I asks smirking at him, "psh what nooo never" he says wrapping his arms around me making me laugh, your so nosy, me and your ex boo are fine she apologized I say laughing as he lets go oh me, "really you just had to say ex boo, I don't find any of this funny" Ricky says walking away, Richard stop it I'm sorry my god why you so sensitive about it, you weren't before I say getting an attitude, "cause Ariana, we almost broke up over her and you wanna joke about it now" Ricky says getting emotional, baby I'm sorry I didn't know it affected you this much I say grabbing his hand, "losing you would affect me in so many ways Ariana" he says pulling my into his chest,

Rubbing his back he rocks us side to side just enjoy each other company, "mhmm I love dancing with you" Ricky says softly in my ear, you do, I hate dancing but you make me want to dance but only with you I him in his ear kissing his neck.

Ricky's *POV*

Laying on the couch watching Harry Potter with Ariana was probably my favorite, she's currently passed out on top of me, her cute little snore makes me smile so much, the little things are what I live for, they way she rubs my hand when we are about to go to sleep, the way she hums when writing a new song, just everything about her is perfect and my god I can't wait till the day I marry her,

"Baby what you thinking about" Ari says softly looking up at me, just my life and how lucky I am to have you I say as she smiles, "baby how's your arm" Ariana asks making me remember I had a cast on it, it's okay I totally forgot TBH I say making her look down at it, "your check up for it is when" Ariana asks, i wanna say Tuesday at 3pm I say as Ariana pulls her phone out, "I have a meeting at that time but I'll push it back so I can go" she says, baby you don't have to go I'll be fine by myself i say laughing, "I know but it's my fault your arm is in a cast so I'm going" she says making me roll my eyes,

*week later*

Waking up to Ariana singing is probably one of my favorite things, whatcha singing baby I say making her turn around, "new single I'm working on" she says making me smile, "so I pushed my meeting up, it's at 12pm so do you wanna come with me and then we will go after or when the meetings over do you want me to pick you up" Ari asks climbing on the bed, I'll go with you I say as she snuggles into my neck, "'mmm I miss you" Ariana says making me confused, what do you mean we are we with each other all the time I say as she just laughs, "I miss him" she says sliding her hand down my body stopping at my dick..

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