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Ariana's *POV*

After all the hugs and congratulations we all pile into the car and make our way back home.

My feet and back are killing me I just wanna get in bed and cuddle up with my baby. "Ricky let's go out, Ryan bring ur fake" one of his cousins say making me sigh, "nah man can't, gotta get my babygirl into bed" Ricky says making me smile. But he should go out, he's done so much for me lately he deserves a night out. It's babe go out enjoy yourself I say as his cousin and Ryan cheer, stepping out of the car I feel Ricky grab my waist and guid me into the house and up the steps and into his old room. Plopping onto the bed i kick my shoes off and lay there, hearing Ricky opening and close he's dresser drawers I open my eyes to him shirtless.

Mhmmmm I say eyeing him up, "Like what you see baby momma" rick says smirking.. Something like that I say sitting up. As he puts on his shirt and sprays himself he comes over to me and gives me a kiss. Now babe you don't touch or look anywhere but your cousins and Ryan, I know I'm fat and ugly now but just wait I say laughing kissing him again. "I'm not baby girl and stop I hate it when you speak so low about yourself! You're perfect" Ricky says seeming upset. I love you bye I say as he walks out the room. Getting up I change into yoga pants and one of Ricky's shirt I climb into bed and finally get some sleep.

Ricky's *POV*
Walking into the club Ryan and I grab drinks and walk over to an empty hightop, bullshiting and joking around with everyone I see two girls who keep staring at us, "hi I'm lele" the young slim blonde says. What's up I'm Ricky I say smiling at them. "I'm roxy" the older red head says shaking my hand. "Do you live around here" the blonde headed girl says. "Yeah we do" Ryan says butting I'm leaning on me. "Oh is this ur girlfriend" she asks making Ryan and I bust out laughing. "He's my brother, but hi I'm Ryan" ry says shaking both the girls hand. "Ohh okay, we just moved here about a week ago. A good guy like you shouldn't be single hahaha" the redhead says making me laugh.

Good thing I'm not single huh I say smirking, "oh well don't wanna intrude, it was nice meeting you" lele says as I was about to say you too a bar fight breaks out and she's being pushed into me. I awkwardly move back and she laughs and apologizes. "Ughh I'm bored let's" my cousin says. Paying the tab I grab onto Ryan and walk out the bar and into the car.

Walking into my house it's pitch black and so quite. Walking up to my room I slowly open the door not to wake my sleeping beauty taking my cloths up and putting on joggers I climb into bed and wrap my arm around ari, feeling her instantly cling to me I drift off to sleep.

Ariana's *POV*

Waking up to people down stairs laughing I slide from under Ricky's arm and make my way down there. As my feet hit the floor I feel an instant pain on my lower half.. "ari you okay hun" Ricky's mom says rushing over to me helping me sit down on the chair. Yeah I think I say un sure if everything was okay with the baby, that pain has been happening a lot lately. "Are you sure" she asks making me nod.

Soooo how was last night I say asking Ryan who seems to be hung over, "good till I took like 7 shots" she says laying her head on my shoulder, laughing at how sluggish she is I run her back. "Ughh that feels nice" Ryan says making me laugh! "Hey that's only suppose to be done to me" I hear a deep noice say and then two arms wrap around my waist and rub my belly, morning baby I say looking up st him. As he kisses my forehead I hear Ryan fake throwing up, "ugh y'all are gunna make me sick" she says as Ricky mushes her head.

"How's my baby doing" rick says rubbing my belly. Good I say but Ricky's mom chimes in "don't lie miss. You said you've been having a lower pain" she says making look down at my feet. "What is she talking about babe" Rick says grabbing my chin making me look up at him. I didn't wanna tell you cause it's probably nothing babe, lately I've been having a pain in my lower area to where I can't stand or walk for a lil while I say as Ricky sits down next to me and puts his head in his hands.. "Ariana and what if it is something serious you let you for how long" he says raising his voice. "Richard enough" his mother says.


wooooowww hi!!! It's been sooooo loooong since I last posted! Sorry about that been busy with life shit lol. Hope you like this. 💛

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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