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Ariana's *POV*

Just as I was about to get into my car Ricky grabs my waist, "baby stop" Ricky says pulling him into his chest, No Rick i need to go home and I need some space I need to just be alone I yell pushing him off, "Ariana I thought we were okay and got over it" Ricky says, Well I'm not, I don't like to fight so I say everything is fine but really I'm so pissed and still upset, and the fact she showed up again today wtf I say getting into the car, "Ariana please" Ricky pleads, I ignore him and pull out the driveway looking into my mirror seeing him looking at me,

Pulling up to Brian and Scott's house I walk up to the door and knock waiting for someone to answer, "oh hey Ari, oh my why are you crying" Scott says pulling me into the house, Ricky I say softly as he pulls me into his arms holding me, "what happened" Scott asks as we sit on the couch,

Well long story short, Ricky was going to have a kid and the ex came to the party his family had and it went down and I don't know how to feel, he lied to me and he's acting like everything is okay and I was trying to act like it was too but I can't I just he lied to me so many times I'm so done I say as I sob harder, "Ari you two are going to fight and find out things about each other's past and you both don't get to be mad at each other for that, it's in the past for a reason" Scott says making me roll my eyes knowing he's right, I'm so protective and I get so jealous when it comes to him and idk why I just love him so much and don't ever want to lose him EVER I say as I hear a phone going off,

"Ricky just texted me asking me if I knew where you were" Brian says, tell him I'm safe, Brian doing as told he then comes over to me and hugs me, "you two are my favorite couple, you both truly deserve each other! It will all work out I know it" Brian says making me tear up,

Well i better get going, I need to let the pups out so I'll see you both tomorrow for rehearsal for the IHeartRadio concert right I say as they nod and smile, walking to my car I get a text from Ricky,

R: Babe I'm sorry, please talk to me, can I come over

I'll be home in 20 minutes meet me there I guess

R: okay drive safe I love you

You too love you

Setting my phone in my cup holder I turn the music up and drive home.

Ricky's *POV*

Pulling up to Ariana's house I start to feel nervous, me and her have been fighting a lot lately and it's over such little things but we get so worked up over it and I hate it, knocking on the door I hear the dogs barking and then I see my beautiful girlfriend, "why did you just come in" she asks, I don't know I just I don't know you have me so worried and I feel so bad, "yeah well how do you think I feel Rick" Ariana says walking into the living room,

I know and I told you I'm sorry and she came over this morning to get her jacket she left from the party, "mhmm" she says, Baby look at me please I plead making her slowly look me in the eyes, her eyes were big brown and glossy, you could tell she's been crying all day, my poor baby I'm not suppose to make her cry.. I suppose to make her happy, "Ricky tell me if you're really serious about us, like do you see me in your future" Ariana says very seriously,

Yes Ariana of course I say grabbing her hands, "no like you plan on marrying me and having kids and growing old type of future" she says making me so happy she feels that way, Baby listen to me, I plan on marrying you whenever you're ready, and I also plan in having millions of gorgeous babies with you, and growing old? Hell yeah I do, your grey high pony will slay i say as Ariana laughs softly, "I love you, and for real this time can we stop fighting so much" Ariana ask making me nod pulling her into my chest,

As she wrapped her arms around my neck I start to leave wet sloppy kisses down her jawline to her neck, "mhmm that feels nice" Ariana moans, sucking softly I feel her grip tighten on my hair, "atop teasing baby" Ariana groans pulling my head up as she attacks my neck with kisses and hard sucks,

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