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Ariana's *POV*

Ricky has been talking to mabelyn for awhile, like what could they possibly be talking about, I'm just laying in bed waiting and waiting, finally after 3 hours I hear the door open, I'm pretending to sleep cause I'm kinda mad they've been out there "talking" that long, hear Ricky walk in and out of the bathroom and the closet I feel him slowly climb on the bed, I then feel his hands wrap around my waist and pull me toward him, "I know ur not sleep, and I know ur mad we have been out there talking for hours but it's nothing what you think, you're all I want I love you baby goodnight" Ricky whispers in my ear making me smile, turning around I kiss his lips and them nuzzle my face into his neck,

*next morning*

Waking up to Ricky's snoring I groan and pull away from him making him wake up, "where you going" he says roughly, away from your snoring ass I say getting up from the bed walking downstairs, seeing Ricky's mom cooking I walk up next to her and hug her, "morning sweetie how are you" mama A says, I'm good just annoyed a lil with him cause they were talking for almost 3 hours so I went to bed I say making her sigh, "he'll never learn I swear, he's too nice to people who fuck him over, and she was the one who wanted the abortion and Ricky begged her not too, he was gunna stay with her and raise their child but she was too selfish and didn't want too" she says making me take everything in,

Wow I didn't know that Ricky wanted the baby.. that fact that he was going to step up and take responsibility makes me realize I picked the right man to fall in love with,

Sitting down at the kitchen table eating with mama A and Ryan, I hear Ricky's groaning and yawning, "it's so early why is everyone up" Ricky asks, well we all went to bed a good time and wasn't up talking to their ex still 4 in the morning I say laughing, "really" Ricky says with an attitude and grabs his plate and goes into the living guessing to eat alone, rolling my eyes I put my plate into the sink and then walk into the living room,

Ricky's *POV*

"Rick I was playing no need to get an attitude" Ariana says making me roll my eyes, I'm not even going to keep this fight going I said sorry told you the truth and you'll probably always hold this over my head and if so I'm done i say regretting the last part, "oh shut up I'm not, and ur stuck with me, sorry but I'm too in love with you and blessed that I would let you go, you're a god and I love you" Ariana says making me look up at her as she smiles,

ugh I love you so much I say putting my plate on the table and pulling her on my lap, "last night was horrible so today I plan on relaxing and just laying with you okay" Ariana says making me nod kissing her cheek, walking into the kitchen with Ariana holding onto my arm I see the girl who made me and my girlfriend fight this whole time I've been here talking to my sister and mom,

Feeling Ariana let go of me she walks up the steps, wanting to go after her I didn't cause I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mother, "mabelyn left her coat here can you go get it for her outside" my mom says as I go get her jacket, handing it to her she smiles and says thank you, then hearing my door slam and Ariana walking very fast down the steps and out the door I ran after her,

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