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I make my way to the back of the class. Ms Sttop has made Yoshie and I sit next to each other. I walk past Erino's desk.

"Make the move Toby. She likes you! And even if she doesn't...what have you got to lose?"

I ignore him and take my seat. My heart's beating so fast I'm scared she can hear it. I can see her face turning red. I can feel my turning red too.

"Okay class, now that that is sorted, we can start the lesson. There were two people who weren't here to do some of the work so they will go outside in the separate room to finish it. Could those two people come up to me so I can hand them the sheets and then please go outside."

Yoshie and I stand. No-one else stands. Great. So not only do we just have to sit next to each other, now we're going to be in a damn room together. BY OURSELVES. This day could not get anymore awkward. Thank god this is last period.

The Girl in Blue HeelsWhere stories live. Discover now