i got tagged

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I was tagged by oitnb-uswnt to do this tag so thank you for making people believe i actually have friends and i don't hide in my room from people :)))))

Weird fact about me

I know a bunch of weird facts that no one cares about

Fav food


First fandom

I think it was like orphan black or something

Best friend

Her name is Hadar and she's stupid

Current lock screen

I can't screen shot it because my stupid phone is broken and i'm on my computer now  but it's this one

I can't screen shot it because my stupid phone is broken and i'm on my computer now  but it's this one

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Fav otp

right now it's talex i think

5 fears


small spaces

stabbing my little toe on the end of the bed

that when i close my eyes in the shower someone will be there when i open them (it's really weird and scary don't judge me!)

and going no where in life (which probably what's going to happen but meh)

what i look like 

i can't add the pic but just go to my instagram it's my latest post and i won't be posting till i get my phone :/ @uswntarequeens (shameless self promo) (i also have redbubble with a bunch of shitty edits)

why did i make this account

idk i was like a small 12 year old gaybie so i wanted to discover more fandoms and read gay shit basically

funniest moment with a friend

all of my friends are stupid and funny so it's hard to choose one moment XD

i tag 




sorry you had to witness this also sorry if you thought this was an update i can't update until i get my phone fml

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