Loosing Seth

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Serena's Point Of View: 

"I'm sure he didn't mean that Serena," Lxia comforted me as we both sat on her bed, her arms were wrapped around my shoulder and my head was resting softly against her chest as she rubbbed my back softly. 

The only thing wrong with Lxia's comforting words was the fact that I knew she was so wrong; Seth had meant everything he said. I had grown up with the boy; I knew all the looks that his face held, all the expressions that would creep upon his and the one that had been on his face at that moment was that of pure determination. 

Meaning that he wanted nothing more than to pull the prank like the other Slytherin's wanted. 

"But he did." I mumbled unhappily. My head dropped and I found myself staring at the floor, my eyes flickering as I blinked away the tears. "He meant every word," I informed her. 

I could see the disbelief in her eyes but she didn't know Seth like I did; Seth had to fit in, he hated to be excluded and he usually did whatever it took for that to happen. Sometimes this trait was a good thing and other times, like now, it wasn't. 

Lxia tightened her grip around me as she pressed a soft kiss on my forehead, "Don't worry about it Serena, everything will be all right. I bet if you go and talk to Seth he'll act just like normal." 

I sighed as she nodded in agreement but inside she knew that she was just lying to her cousin, Seth wouldn't be the same for a long time. 

"Well go see him in the morning, at breakfast and everything will be excellent." Lxia cheered positively. 

I just preteneded to go along with what she was saying as I clambered into my bed and pulled the quilt up over my head; everything was going to be all right? It couldn't be all right with Seth as he is now, it would never be all right with Seth as a Slytherin. 

My eyes drifted over to the window, eyeing up the moon that was winking at me from up in the star-lit sky. It was egging me on, persuading me to sleep and see what the morning brings as it bobbed up and down in it's never-ending dance. 

Squeezing my eyes shut, I whispered a good night to Lxia as I fell slowly asleep. 

The next morning when I awoke I immediately felt better. Maybe it was the rays of sunshine that burst energetically through the gap in the curtains; maybe it was the fact that this was my first full day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry meaning that I get to begin my training; maybe it was the smiles that lined the faces of all the girls in my dorm or maybe it was just the happiness that I'd get to see Seth again. 

Lxia came over to my bed and dragged me from under the sheet, throwing me towards the bathroom to get washed as she made my bed. 

I wasn't a morning person. 

Splashing water against my face, I brushed my teeth before heading back into the dorm room where Lxia was already dressed and waiting for me. She was knelt in front of one of the long mirrors lining the room and was brushing her hair vigorously, trying to remove the tats that had tangled into it. 

After changing quickly, I joined Lxia at the mirror brushing my hair and then we made our way down the stairs to the Great Hall. The tables for the houses were set up already and children were all eating in various places across the Hall. Lxia and I made our way to the Gryffindor table and I took a seat but found myself unable to stomach anything. 

"It'll be fine." Lxia grinned as she slowly ate her way through a plate filled with toast, sausages and bacon, "You'll just talk and you'll realise that he's never going to help them." She said happily inbetween mouthfuls. 

I sighed as I took a small sip of the orange juice then I pushed it away from me again; it just didn't feel right. 

Lxia shook her head at me as she took another mouthful of food. Suddenly she was nudging me in the side and pointing up at the doorway to the Hall. 

Seth had just walked in.

But it wasn't the Seth I knew; this Seth walked with a strut that was assorted with those head-strong and believe that they're better off than mouth. His usual plain blond hair had been tussled so that it fell messily around his head, giving him the look that most girls fell for, paired with his young boy looks and the fact that he was walking alongside Lucas drew all eyes to him. 

"Has he hurt his leg or something?" Lxia asked innocently, meaning his changed walk. I covered a laugh as I shook my head. 

"He's doing that on purpose Lxia, he thinks that it makes him look better." I laughed as I turned back to my food suddenly able to eat again, the fact that he was looking like an idiot by joining the Slytherin's made me feel slightly better. 

"That." Lxia choked on her pumpking huice as she looked at my brother, "That has to be the funniest thing that I've ever seen."

"But it's working." Glancing up, I saw Teddy coming to take a seat beside us, his brown hair parted into the usual side-fringe but his eyes were dull and were, I noticed, focused on someone across the room. 

Looking around, I spotted Victoire and  Emmy sat next to each other at the Ravenclaw table. Both of them were staring at Seth. 

"The girls seem to like him; all of them." Lxia commented and I let my gaze slide around the Hall to see millions of girls staring at him. 

"I'm going to go talk to him." I said. Pushing my plate away from me, I got to my feet and made my way across the Hall to the Slytherin table. 

All the people who saw me walk past and they all froze, watching and waiting. I tapped Seth on the shoulder and he turned to see me; the pale grey eyes that met mine were harsh and unloving. 

"Can I help you?" He spat. 

"Seth..." I started but froze at the coldness in his voice, it was so unlike Seth that it scared me, "Can I talk to you?" 

Seth laughed softlty but got to his feet, folding up the napkin that had been resting in his lap. 

"I shall return momentarily." He told his friends, as he got to his feet and followed me out of the Great Hall. 

He had changed completely over night, not just the way he walked but the way he talked and the way he acted towards certain people. I noticed all the girls staring at him again as we walked through the Hall, he was the centre of attention. 

As soon as we had left, I turned on him, anger flaring through my body as I glared at him. 

"What are you doing Seth?" I demanded furiously. 

"What in Merlin's name do you mean Serena, I'm the one being a respectful Slytherin, you Gryffindors are all the same, just thinking bad of us because there are people in our house that have gone to the bad side." Seth complained. 

"Seth, do you even hear yourself?" I retorted, "You're talking nonsense." 

"Do you know what Serena, I don't need to hear this from you." Seth snapped, "Now I'm going back to my friends, if you're ready to have a sane conversation I shall meet you later." 

He looked at me one last time before turning and walking away. 

What had they done to him? 


Okay guys, yes I know this is short and yes you're going to murder me but I'm so busy at the moment that you're lucky I'm updating at all :o Yeahh that's right!!! Anyway I'm off on holiday tomorrow for the next three days and I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas how I could finish this because I really don't know... 

If you do please pm them to me? 

Also I don't think there's gonna be many more Dramione chapters as I don't have anything to write in them now.... 

Okiees toodles!!! 

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