chapter 24

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Thank you all for reading.

sorry for any spelling and grammar errors

sorry for such a


Catalina pov:

Today is the day, its the day im starting a new school. Im so nervous what if it's like my other school. What if they notice that im not good enough?

No I can't think that way, im not that same girl. Im stronger, bit im only stronger because of Gabriel. If it wasn't for him I don't think i would have had the courage to have change. But what I know is I change for the better.

"catalina are you ready to go?"

"not yet I still haven't had anything to eat."

"that's ok I thought we could pick something up on the way."

"that would be great Gabriel."

"ok let's go say goodbye to my parents and head off"


I grabbed his hand and headed towards the office. it was early in the morning so I knew for a fact that's where we would find them. I knocked on the door waiting to be let in. and I didn't have to wait for too long.

"come in"


as we entered I could help but smile. Gabriel's parents were so in love and you could just tell by looking at them.I wish that one day soon gabriel and I could be the same. gabriel's mother was sitting in gabriels fathers lap behind his desk.

"what are you two up to this morning?"

"were about to head to school. we just wanted to tell you."

"ok just be careful both of you. and I hope you have a great first day catalina."

"I'll try to have and don't worry with gabriel I know I will be ok."

" don't worry mom I will protect her with my life.we are heading out know we will stop to get something to eat on the way."

" ok have a good day you two love you both."

" love you too."

with that we left and head towards the front door. in the drive way garbiels car is waiting. on the way to school we stopped and got some food. but I think gabriel could tell I'm on autopilot.I dint nhl what to do,there is so much that could go wrong. I didn't even notice we had arrived in the parking lot.

" catalina you are alright? everything is going to be ok. I won't let anything happened to you."

"I know you do everything in your power. but what if its like my other school. what if everyone hates me. I can't go through that again."

" first of all that's not going to happen. I won't let anyone harm you. and all of your pack loves you and they will look after you. also you have lilly. I'm pretty sure she is heading this way. look"

true to his word lilly was making her way to the car.

" ok you may know a thing or two. but don't leave me if you dont have to. ok?"

" no one can keep me away. but if you have any trouble and im not with you, you find someone from the pack ok."

" ok."

"let's get your first day done ok."

with that I opened my door.


thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

happy thanksgivings to everyone. I hope you enjoy it and have fun with your love ones.




love sonia

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