chapter 27

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Thank you all for taking time to read.

I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar errors. I will go back and edit when I finish this book.

i hope you enjoy this chapter.


Catalinas pov:

the school day hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I have at least one person i know in each class. I was even lucky to have one or two with Gabriel.

I was in my last class of the day when it finally hit me. this was the first time I has fully enjoyed coming to school. I had no one hitting or bullying me. I wasn't the lowest in the pack. everywhere I went I had someone would help me.

I couldn't have hoped for a better life. I was finally going to have a loving pack that would look out for me. it wasn't anything like my other pack that hated me for no reason. I had a loving mate that in the short time that I have know him. I could see myself finally falling in love. I could hope to have a family with him.

I was in my own little world that I didn't notice class had ended.

"Catalina are you ok?"

" huh I'm sorry I was spacing out there wasn't I"

"its ok but class ended, isn't gabriel going to wonder where you are?"

" your right lets go"

with that I grabbed my bag and the girl hand and dragged he out of the classroom. I was just so excited to see my mate. as I turned the corner I saw him waiting at my locker surrounded by your pack mates. I could help by feel super lucky to have him as my mate.

I wasn't even half way when I hand wrapped around my waist. when I looked to see who stopped me, only to find myself face to face with Christian.

" hey Catalina how was your first day?"

" hi Christian. I was fine." I looked around to find everyone looking in your direction. when I looked over to gabriel his eyes where black and I could tell he was trying to keep his wolf in control. I wanted so much to go to him.

" Christian would you be so kind and let go of me?"

"why would I do that? don't tell me your mate doesn't like it?"

" he doesn't and I don't either so please."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just want to know if your day went fine."

" it did and the thank you. I will talk to you tomorrow in class ok. but I have to go now."

"ok see you later"

with that I turned and walked to my pack. but so some reason it felt wrong. I could tell why I felt so right to be near their pack.


im so sorry I haven't written in so long. I went from working part time to full time. I had no time to write and im sorry.

I hope you like this chapter even if it is a little short.

sorry for and grammar and spelling mistakes.




love Sonia

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