Chapter 1

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{} Shadows POV {}

"That was so amazing!" I exclaimed as we walked to the car.

"I know! I'm so glad I got to see it with you." My friend stated as my dad unlocked the door.

"Suicide Squad is definitely my favorite movie, now." My sister smiled as she referred to the movie we had just watched.

"Favorite movie, huh?" My dad laughed at her.

"Yeah! Harley Quinn is so amazing! I love her hair and her attitude and... Her!" My sister shouted.

We all chuckled at her.

I plugged in my headphones and gave one to my friend, Anna, like we always do.

I put on Girls Talk Boys by 5 Seconds of Summer and we nodded our head to the beat.

"I heard that some bands you like are coming to our area." Anna told me.

"Which ones?!" I basically shouted.

"Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, and Black Veil Brides." She stated nonchalantly.

"AHHHH!!" I squealed with excitement. Are my top 3 favorite bands seriously coming here?!

"Shadow! Shut the fuck up!" My dad yelled as he turned around to glare at me while still driving.

"Be quiet!" Anna scolded.

"Dad! Watch the road!" My brother called as he looked towards the road.

He turned around as I looked out the window to see that we had been approaching  an intersection where cars were going every which way.

The last thing I remember seeing was a car speeding towards us before I felt pain, and everything went black.


I heard beeping as my eyes fluttered open, my bangs blocking the view of one.

I was in a hospital room, and I wasn't hurting too badly.

Nothing seemed to be wrong with me. I looked in a mirror to see that I had only a couple bruises on my face and a small scratch.

What happened? Where is everyone else?

A doctor walked into the room, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Good morning! How are you feeling?" She smiled cheerfully.

"A little confused." I probably sounded confused too.

"Does anything hurt?" She started to inspect me a little.

"No. What happened?" I asked her.

"You were in an accident. Luckily, you were extremely safe because of the position you had been sitting in." She said. I remember my brother puts his seat back a little more so I put my knees on it and my butt lower in my seat.

"What about everyone else?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"They, uh, they didn't make it, sweetie." She told me with sympathy filling her eyes and voice.

Wait... So my dads last words were "Shadow! Shut the fuck up!"?

My closest friends were "Be quiet!"

Maybe that's what I should do....

"Well, as long as you're physically okay, I have to send you off to the orphanage."

Orphanage? None of my family will take me?

"It will be in Nashville, Tennessee. But first some people will be taking you to your house to get your things. And don't only pack a little because of space, the orphanage is huge so pack anything and everything." She smiled.

I just nodded and let her do whatever she needed to do.

I basically zoned out for every single thing that happened until we got to my house.

I silently cried as I walked through the door, taking in the memories.

I started thinking about what I should bring, what I should leave.

I grabbed a suitcase out of my closet and threw all of my clothes and shoes in there.

I grabbed a few of my dads shirts and put them in its own bag so they wouldn't lose their smell. I did that to my sister and brother, too, before putting them all in the suitcase.

I grabbed my sisters Harley Quinn backpack she had gotten herself for school, and put a few pieces of jewelry she always wore in it, along with all of my jewelry, hair stuff, perfume, and makeup.

I grabbed my MCR  backpack and put in black nail polish with nail polish remover and a couple cotton balls. I put in photo albums, pictures my friends and sister gave me, and even my birth certificate.

Looking at the pictures, I remembered my friend Faith. She lives right down the road. I'll have to go tell her goodbye and give her something to remember me by. I grabbed my glasses that I no longer wear since I got my haircut, and decided to bring them over now.

The police that brought me here were sitting in the car, and I figured it'd be okay to say something, just this once.

"I'll be back." I whispered before staring the walk down the road.

When I got to her house I knocked in the door. Faith opened it up and smiled brightly at me.

"Hey, Shadow!" She hugged me. I buried my head into her neck and started crying. "No, don't cry! What's wrong?" She rubbed my back.

"They're dead!" I sobbed.

"What? Who?"

"Everyone. I have to go to an orphanage in Nashville." She instantly pulled away.

"No. You can't leave me. I can't do this on my own." She started to cry.

"I'm sorry. I have to. But I'll text and Skype you everyday. I have something for you." I pulled the glasses out of my pocket and handed them to her, and  decided that the hoodie I was wearing can go to her too, since she always steals it.

We cried for a little while together before I realized I should go.

"I have to go. I'll call you as soon as I get there." I told her.

She nodded. "I love you, Shadow." She said in a sisterly way.

"I love you, too. Always remember that." I told her.

We hugged once more before I walked back.

I looked around to see if there was anything else I needed, and I decided to take all the money because... Who else is gonna use it?

I counted it all up and I had almost $2,730 because my dad had a jar for saving up money.

The last thing I did was write notes to all of my friends and put them in the mailbox, so they will get them and know what happened.

There's one for Summer, Terry, Mackenzie, Ella, and Sarah.

I grabbed everything I needed, and brought them to the car where the police put them in the back.

Without saying a word, I got in the backseat with my headphones in, and stared out the window for the entire ride.

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