Character Answers

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Q: How did you get sick and die?

A: Well, it was a mix of just old age and general sickness. I did my best to stay healthy, but death is inevitable.


Q: How come you were so quiet. It didn't really seem as if you talked a lot.

A: I try to talk but some people like to cut other people off and speak before I am given the chance to make a single sound!

Tony: You know, you don't have to be so rude. Maybe we just like to talk.

Jinxx: Shut up, turtle.


Q: How was your life living with everyone. Was it sometimes frustrating or did you worry a lot or anything else.

A: There are very few negative things I can say about living with everyone. It was comforting to have so much support literally right beside me. Yeah, we hit a few bumps along the way. For example, we had to get soundproof walks put in for some peoples bedrooms-

Vic: Which I was thankful for. I don't care for listening to my daughter having... Sexual relations.

Faith: Hey!

Shadow: Moving on! Was it frustrating? Somewhat. Living with so many man-child's get difficult. Did I worry? Of course. I love every single person that lives in our house. There wasn't a single day I wasn't scared something bad would happen. Anxiety is a bitch, you know? But, through everything, I wouldn't give any of it up for the world.


Q: How are you doing honey. We haven't heard from you in a long time. How has your family going. How old are you. Hows Kellin. Have you seen your mom.

A: Hi! I'm really happy. My family is great. I'm this many!

Kellin: You know the number, say it, sweetie.

Cope: F-Four! Kellin? My daddy? He's good! He always buys me more dollies when I'm sad. He's the best daddy ever. Mommy? No. I don't have a mommy. She left. But that's okay, because everyone right here are all I need to be happy!


Q: How are you. This book was amazing. I really wish there was a sequel.

A: I'm alright. Right now it's really hard to type because I messed up my hand.. And elbow... And knee... But I'm okay. If you're worried about me, you should see the other guy. Thank you so much for supporting this book so much! I'm sorry to disappoint you. I thought about making a sequel, but I couldn't come up with a steady plot line that would be good enough for my readers. But, I do have other books if you're still looking for something new to read. Thank you again! I love you!

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