Chapter 38

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{} Shadows POV {}

"Okay. Bringing her home is going to be very hard, guys. We can't just carry her. Touching her back or stomach is a bad idea. What we're going to have to do is do or like you do a drunk person, but I don't really know if she can hold her self up at all. Who's up for the job?" Jinxx asked.

"Me." Basically everyone said.

"I need.... Ashley and Mike. You guys are almost the same height." He sighed.

"Okay, to lift her up, I need Mike on her left, Ashley on her right. You guys are going to have to kneel down and pick her up like you're pealing her from the ground, got it? Be really careful." I felt them grab my arms gently.

I managed to peal my eyes open, somehow.

I saw that there was a huge crowd around us and many people were recording this.

Basically everyone had tears in their eyes.

Jinxx gave them a nod and they started lifting me.

I clenched my eyes shut and groaned with heavy breaths, trying not to yell out in pain.

They barely started to move me and it already hurt so fucking bad.

Tears fell from my eyes, blurring my vision.

They stopped what they were doing as they heard my cries.

"Fuck, okay. I have an idea. Shadow, this is going to sound so fucking stupid but I promise you it will hurt less, okay?" Jinxx kneeled down in front of me.

I nodded.

"Okay. I know your stomach hurts really bad, but it will hurt so much less if we push on your stomach to help you up, okay? What we're doing right now is going to make your back bend a lot and that's going to hurt it. Pushing on your stomach will hurt, but not as much." He explained.

"Do it." I gave him permission.

"Kellin. I need you to do this." Kellin quickly came over to my side.

"Okay, as soon as they lift her up enough for you to slide your arm under, do it. It's going to hurt her, but you need to push with them so her back doesn't bend." Jinxx explained.

Kellin nodded.

"Okay guys, ready?" They nodded to answer. "Go."

They lifted me up slowly like they did before, gently pushing on my shoulders so it wasn't just like pulling my arms way back.

As soon as my stomach was up an inch, Kellin put his arm under it and started pushing.

I cried in pain.

They slowed their movements.

"Keep going. Fuck, I'm okay, just keep going." I promised.

I cried out again, tears falling down my face. "Keep going, don't stop. I'm okay."

I heard a couple cries from other people.

"You're hurting her!" Blade shouted.

My breathing was heavy as I tried not to scream. "Oh, fuck! Just keep going."

I was in so much pain, I couldn't even focus on keeping my head up.

Kellin removed his arm as I was up enough that I didn't need any more support on the stomach.

My eyes stayed shut as my arms were wrapped around their necks and they both had arms around my waist so I wasn't just dangling all my weight on my arms.

My entire body was limp and my breathing was heavy.

"Did she go unconscious?"

"Shadow, can you hear me?" The fear was evident in Jinxx's voice.

"I'm still here." I whispered. "That hurt like a bitch."

He sighed in relief. "Alright, you guys start walking her home. I'm gonna run ahead and get everything I need set up. Justin, come with me. A couple people walk in front of them to clear a path. I gotta run." He ordered quickly.

I heard a couple people get in front of us and yell for people to move as we walked down the sidewalk.

I couldn't really focus on anything other than the pain radiating off of my stomach, back, thighs, and wrists.

I kind of blocked out everything that happened the entire time we were 'walking'.

As we reached home, I hadn't even opened my eyes yet.

"Shadow, can you handle the same process again, but to put you down?" Jinxx asked me as we came to a stop.

It would be better than anything they would do in a hospital, so I found myself nodding.

"I can do it." I promised.

"Kellin. One last time."

He came over to us.

"Same process, just backwards. Get in position. Alright, go." He ordered.

They started leaning me forward and Kellin gradually put his arm under my stomach.

"Oh, fuck!" My eyes clenched shut as the pressure was added, causing the pain to shoot off the charts.

I heard Kellin whimper at the sound of my cries.

"It's okay. Keep going. I'm okay, just get it over with." I heaved.

  My body eventually landed on the blanket that had been set on the grass, making me let out one more cry.

"Guys, please respect our privacy right now and stay off of our lawn." I heard someone tell the fans.

"Distract her." Jinxx whispered to someone.

"Can you lift up your head?" It was Tony.

I lifted it and he put a pillow under it.

"Thank you." I managed to whisper as I felt Jinxx cut the bottom of my shirt, so he could access the wound without showing my body too much.

"Okay let's talk about something." Tony said as he layed down so he was facing me.

"Where's Copeland? Is she okay? Did I hurt her?" The questions suddenly flooded my mind.

"Don't worry. She's okay, her knees are just scraped up a bit. CC took her and Faith inside because they didn't want to see you this way. And Gary went with Faith." He explained.

I sighed in relief.

"That was really brave of you. And there were a lot of people recording it, so you're going to become pretty popular. But seriously, there aren't many people in this world who would be willing to do something like that." He told me.

"You can't save everyone, but everyone can save someone."

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