Chapter 15

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Dedicated to _emo_music_lover_ Thank you!!

{} Blades POV {}

As I ate my pizza, I studied everyone. They all payed attention to Faith, to make sure she ate.

I understand that. But what I don't understand, is how I'm the only one who noticed that Shadow didn't eat.

She sat there, completely silent, staring off into space. Her beautiful brown eyes weren't sparkling. When she smiled, it didn't reach her eyes.

I wonder why she changed her shirt earlier. I wonder why she's not eating. I wonder why she's not happy. I wonder what happened.

"It's hot in here, can you turn down the thermostat?" Faith asked.

Ashley jumped up and adjusted it.

"Shadow, how are you not burning up?" She turned to her friend.

I saw panic in her eyes for a split second. "I don't know. I don't get hot easily." She shrugged.

Faith eyed her for a second before going back to what she was doing.

"So, guys. We haven't really introduced you all to the fans. How about we do a live stream later?" Andy suggested.

"I don't see why not." Faith said as Shadow nodded.

I watched Shadow as she fiddled with the ends of her sleeves nervously.

She's so beautiful. I love the way her hair falls over her right eye, and the way her eyes sparkle when she talks about things she likes, or how when she gets nervous she always messes with her fingers, and the way she blushes-


"Huh, what?" I looked at the guys

"We asked if you're cool with doing a live stream so the fans can meet you later." Mike smirked.

"Sure." I shrugged with a slight blush.

All the guys seemed to be eyeing me and Shadow while she just kept her eyes on the ground.

"I ship it." Faith whispered.

"Ship what?" Shadow asked.

"Nothing." Faith said suspiciously.

"I'm bored." CC complained.

"We could do the live stream now?" Gabe suggested.

Everyone agreed and the guys all sent out a tweet, telling people they were doing it.

After a few minutes, they had set it all up.

"Hey guys!! Today we are going to be introducing you to 4 people." Andy started.

"I'll go first." Kellin said. "So, I have adopted a child. He's 15 years old. Say hello to Blade."

The camera pointed to me and I smiled and waved.

"Hi, I'm Blade." I awkwardly stated.

"But that's not all." Kellin started again. "On top of that, do you guys remember Katelyn? Yeah, she gave birth to my child a while ago and dropped her off here a few days ago. Her name is Copeland and I would introduce you guys to her, but she's asleep right now so, yeah. Who's next?"

"Me!" Vic jumped in. "I adopted a girl. Her name is Faith and she's 14 years old. Say hi." He waved her over.

"Hi!" She said as she jumped into his lap. "I'm Faith, the cool one."

{} Shadows POV {}

"I also adopted someone. Her name is Shadow and she's 13." Andy told everyone before he motioned for me to come over.

I did so and smiled. "Hi, I'm Shadow."

The comments coming in were not what I wanted to see.

"Why did Andy adopt the ugly one?"

"Has she never heard of exercise?"

"Even I'm prettier than... that."

"What kind of name is Shadow?"

"Low key want her to kill herself..."

"Try some makeup, sweetie."

"Have you ever drank bleach? You should try it sometime."

"Andy, you should have chose someone better."

There were a few good ones.

"Don't listen to them, you're gorgeous."

"Stay strong."

"Can everyone just stop!!? She's perfect for the guys, she doesn't deserve this."

There weren't many, but they made me smile.

"So yeah! These are the 4 new members of the family. Please be nice to them, guys. They mean a lot to us and we'd hate to see them hurt. And if you give them hate, we will not hesitate to block you. Bye guys!" Jinxx said.

I put on a fake smile and waved while everyone said "bye".

"I'm gonna go upstairs." I said and ran up to my room.

After I shut the door, I pulled out my phone and went to Twitter to see what people were saying about me.

Great decision!

Note my sarcasm.

"who this new bich she needs to stay away from my bb" And you need to learn to how to type.

"Cut across for attention, and down for results."

It was a lot of the same stuff as the comments from the live stream.

"Shadow! Can you come here? We have to talk about some things!" Andy shouted up the stairs.

I sighed and set my phone down before exiting my room and heading towards him.

"Yeah?" I asked as I reached the bottom.

"Come here." He ordered and went into the living room.

I followed him nervously, wondering what I did wrong.

I saw all the guys along with Blade and Faith, scattered around the room.

Why are they all here? What did I do? Did someone see my cuts? Shit, please no.

"So we just wanted to talk to you guys about a couple things." Ashley stated.

"First, is the hate." Mike sighed.

"Since we have introduced you guys, you will get a lot of hate. If it ever bothers you or if you find any hate accounts, please let us know. We wouldn't be able to forgive ourselves if it got to be to much for one of you guys." Kellin told us.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks and I looked down, knowing what he meant.

"Have any of you guys ever dealt with self harm, depression, anxiety, insomnia, any eating disorder and anything like that?" CC asked.

"I get panic attacks when I get overwhelmed, and I don't have a sleeping disorder but sometimes I just can't sleep for like 3 days." Faith explained.

"I've never dealt with anything." Blade shook his head.

I stayed silent.

"What about you?" Justin asked me.

I debated on what I should and what I shouldn't tell them.

"I have severe anxiety." I said.

Faith looked disappointed because she knew I didn't really sleep and she's always thought I should tell someone.

"Is that all?" Jamie sounded doubtful.

I nodded without making eye contact with anyone.

Faith let out a frustrated sigh before walking out of the room.

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