Chapter 6

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{} Shadows POV {}

"How about we get to know each other?" Mike suggested as we all sat in the living room.

"Sure." Faith nodded.

"I don't see why not." Blade said.

I nodded and watched everyone look at each other.

"I can start with telling you my past?" Blade offered.

Everyone sort of agreed so he started talking.

"I've been in the orphanage all my life. I never had parents, I've never been adopted, but I'm okay with that. It just makes me who I am today. I used to go to school, but for some reason they changed my first one and my second one closed down, but no one enrolled me for a other one. I've never been bullied or anything, so that's good. I've lived a pretty bland life, but like I said, I'm okay with that. I can't really describe my personality because I'm just.... Me. That's really all there is to it." He chuckled.

"Well, I'm glad you're here. Welcome to the family." Ashley patted his shoulder.

"Thanks, guys. It means a lot." He smiled.

"Faith, you want to go?" Tony asked.

"Sure." She took a deep breath. "Um, I was slightly bullied. I had a good amount of friends but they always seemed to put my other friends before me. I was always the one in the back, the forgotten one. Shadow was the only person who was never like that. She puts everyone before herself and that's one of the things I love about her. She's basically my sister and she's been with me through everything." He smile slowly dropped into a frown. "Until she left... My parents found out I'm pansexual and they kicked me out. My entire family is really religious so none of them wanted me. But I'm glad because now I'm here!" She smiled again.

I gave her a hug and realized I'm supposed to go, now. I pulled back and nervously gulped.

I frantically looked around, avoiding everyone's eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. You're okay." Faith grabbed the sides of my face and made me look at her.

"You can do this." She told me.

"I can't." I mouthed. I know I should be able to trust these people, but I don't trust myself enough not to say something stupid again.

"Do you want me to tell them?" She offered.

I nodded and closed my eyes. It would be easier than typing it and letting someone read it out loud, that would take too long.

She gave me a kiss on the forehead in a sisterly way and I smiled at her slightly, silently thanking her.

"Shadow was always bullied in school, never really had good friends, other than Anna, Mackenzie, and me. She's always had family issues. Her mom is a drug addict, her dad was alright, though. She never had much, but they could afford to do bigger things once in a while. For example, she went to a 5 Seconds of Summer concert this Summer. She gave up 3 birthdays for it, but she doesn't regret it for anything. Like Blade, her personality is hard to describe. She's hilarious, bright, kind, and a little bit of everything. I've always looked at her as my younger sister and I'm glad that we've been reunited." Faith summed up.

The entire time she was talking, I took in Blades appearance. He had long black hair that swooped across his forehead and over one eye. His eyes were a beautiful blue that were just the right shade. His style was just like Jinxx said, punk. It was different but I liked it. A lot...

I looked up to his eyes to see he was already looking at me. I blushed and sent him a small smile that he returned.

Would it be weird to like him? Is he considered my brother? If so, I'm backing off, because incest is absolutely disgusting. (Sorry if I offended anyone, it's just my opinion.)

I looked back at Faith as she finished the story and smiled at her for telling my story.

The guys seemed to change the subject, seeing my uncomfortable state. They were all talking to Blade and Faith, so I decided to text Jinxx.

S- Are we considered family?

J- What do you mean?

S- Like, is Faith my sister, is Blade my brother, cousin....?

J- Nah, you guys aren't related. You're only related to the band that adopted you, we all decided.

S- Okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

J- No problem. I bet you really wanted to know.

S- What's that supposed to mean?

J- Don't deny it! I saw the heart eyes you were making at Blade!!

S- Pfft. I wasn't staring at anyone.


S- Stop stalking me!!!

J- Shade is my OTP

S- Shade?

J- Yeah! Shadow and Blade.

S- Oh God....

I put my phone away and shook my head at him. I saw him screenshot a couple things and then after a few minutes, everyone's phone went off other than mine, Jinxx's, and Blades.

My eyes widened when I realized he had screenshots the messages and sent them to everyone.

I texted him and started going off.




J- Dude, chill. It's just a group chat that we use to talk about Shade.


J- Oops?

I shook my head and decided I needed a moment. I'm not over reacting or anything, I'm just extremely embarrassed so I just need a moment by myself.

I went up to my room and sat on my bed. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes.

My phone kept dinging with messages, so I grabbed my it.

They were all from Faith, Jinxx, Andy, and Blade?

I checked Faiths first.

F- Are you okay?

F- Should I come upstairs?

F- Please answer me.

F- I'm coming up...

S- Doors unlocked.

She walked in right after I sent that and sat down.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. I just need a minute." I whispered.

"Okay. Do you want me to go?" She asked gently.

"Please. I'll text you if I need anything." She nodded in understanding and left.

Let's check these other messages....

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