Something Warm

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[not proofread]

You know those moments.. the ones where something completely and utterly ridiculous happens, and there's just this dawning awkward dense atmoshpere of silence literally hanging so low in the air that it nearly chokes you.

Where there seems to be no way of getting out, and the awkwardness only intensifies, swallowing you whole along with it.

Yeah.. those moments..

I'm definitely have one of those right now.

In the middle of a women's clothing store, standing in front of a changing room, at 2am in the morning with my best friend Sungjae.. who's wearing a long dark brown girly wig.

"Because I'm your girlfriend."

His words seems to have recorded itself into my brain, like a broken disc, it keeps replaying. But no matter how mnay times I repeat those words to myself, I still can't quite get it, or at least refuse to understand it. Like its too real to be true.

Sungjae must not of been statisfied with my blank reply as I just stood there staring at him oddly for his frown only deeped more, ingraved onto his lips. Then when I thought it couldn't get any stranger enough, he bursted out laughing.

Let me repeat myself, he bursted out laughing.

Bursted, like what happens when a sugar crazed 8 years old kid swings blindy at a gigantic pinata and candy just flies out everywhere. Except in this case, Sungaje bursted into laugher.

In normal circumstances, I would have actually found this to be quite cute. The way Sungjae's cheeks would puff out, lips pursed out like a goldfish and then burst out in a way that cannily resembles a hanster or squirrel with its cheeks way too full with food.

It's so child likely cute and so hilarious that I probably would have laughed along with him just as I would when Sungjae would unexpectedly do a gag randomly and ends up looking like a fool in the process. I would of broken away of from my serious straight face and crack a huge smile as I laughed with him.

would of.

But I didn't, it wasn't that type of moment. Sungjae wasn't making a gag, or looking foolish. He was standing in front of me in a wig.

Was it awkward? Yes. Weird? Yes. Funny? When I think back on it, yes. Was there tension? Yes, most definitely. Awkward tension. Sungjae looks extrememely cute as a girl in that wig? Yes-wait what.

"Oh god Peniel, I was just kidding!" Sungjae chuckled with a lopsided grin, his almond brown locks flowing off his shoulders as he slid the wig smoothly off of his head which left his hair in a mattered ruffled state. He roughly fixed his hair back into place with a quick tousle of his hand.

He silently straightened out the locks hair of the wig with his finger tips running softly through them, his gaze not completely matching mine but that smile was still there.

"Oh come on, don't be such a sore thumb! I think you know just as well as I do that I make such a hot girl!"

This cracked a smile out of me as Sungjae continued to egg me on. His eyes perked up as the slight rise of the corners of my lips quivering as I fought to not dare show a little smile in front of me. But he knew he was winning as I couldn't help but twitch a small smile towards him, I've just let Sungjae completely trolled over me. Ughh.

"Yah! Don't lie, you thought I was pretty cute huh?" Sungjae laid his hands on his lips in a sassy manner and made kissy face at me, sticking his tongue out as he always did to piss me off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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